Looks like Florida is going to apply for $3B in grants from the FTA for Central Florida passenger rail projects. The money will also include building the Brightline route beyond Disney to Tampa. Brightline will contribute to the matching funds required for the federal grant.
Leaders put big ambitions for Central Florida passenger rail growth on paper
Excerpts from the Orlando Sentinel article linked above:
The white paper advances three options on how to turn the
transportation dream into a reality. The first two call for breaking
the rail expansion into separate pieces and steps. The third
option, and popular front-runner, calls for doing everything as an
approximately $6 billion project.
“We are pretty confident we are going to get about half of this $6
billion project,” [Rep. Darren] Soto said.
The funding formula widely anticipated, though not determined,
would have the federal government cover 50 percent, the state
paying for 25 percent and local partners, including Brightline and
Universal, on the hook for 25 percent.
“It will be in the form of multiple grants through the infrastructure
law,” Soto said of the federal contribution. “There is 10 years of
funding. I don’t expect there to be one big announcement – like
‘here is $3 billion.’"