Building a station near the cruise terminal is a possibility too imho. On cruise days when several ships depart port canaveral it's possible that over 10, 000 people board or debarked ships.
In Miami? Plausible; I could see AAF runnig something like a DMU shuttle (or a back-and-forth run with one or two sets) between MiamiCentral and the port.
In Canaveral? Not a bloody chance. You'd have to put in a very high bridge over the Indian River and another one over the Banana River. However, I
think the old Cocoa FEC station is roughly at US1 and SR528...which would be a pretty good place to stage shuttle buses. I believe FEC has hinted that they're pursuing this option, especially since if their system is fully fleshed-out you'd have four destinations to take cruise pax (Jacksonville, South Florida, Orlando, and Tampa) for flights and/or other parts of a package.
Anderson, think again.

For you pleasure I present to you:
Yeah, there is a some jousting that will take place. But I think there i a very good chance that a spur at least for freight to Port Canaveral will be built and possibly along SR 528. A 50' above MSL railway bridge is not an unheard of thing in this day and age, and over the long run might be cheaper to operate than a lower alignment with two drawbridges.
BTW, the Cocoa AAF station if there is one (it is not a given, there are four plausible locations in Brevard County being explored and many believe Rockledge is a better location in North Brevard), it will be considerably south of SR 528, since the station has to be in a location after AAF comes off the ramp connecting to the Orlando ROW, They also have to design the whole thing keeping open the possibility of a junction with the future Cocoa to Port Canaveral link along SR 528, so very unlikely that there will be a station at or near SR 528 - US 1 intersection.
At the FRPC meeting yesterday three people from AAF came to give us an update about AAF. We asked many questions privately after the presentation. Some interesting tidbits that I gathered:
i. At present they are focused on getting the MIC - OIA service up and running. Even when they extend service from WPB to OIA they will not immediately do a local WPB tunr between MIC and WPB, or FLL or any such. Such might happen in the future depending on how things go.
ii. The next thing to do after service to OIA is station in Brevard County where negotiations on station location are in advanced stages.
iii. They are definitely protecting all rights to extend service to JAX, but currently no firm plans.
iv. They may consider Tampa at some point but it is too far away to talk any semblance of route details and such. They declined to answer a specific question about whether they would use the I-4 ROW.
v. They are currently on track to start MIC to WPB service mid 2017.
vi. They just got full access to the Cocoa - OIA ROW last week with the lease transfer of the last bit between SR 417 and OIA, and are now ready to start work on construction of the new track on the new ROW.
All this did not stop some in the audience from waxing poetic about "when AAF begins service to Ocala" and what not.

Jokingly the guy said something like 2075 for that.
Abbreviations used:
BTW: By The Way
AAF: All Aboard Florida
FEC: Florida East Coast - used as a short form to refer to Florida East Coast Railway (FECR).
FRPC: Florida Rail Passenger Coalition
ROW: Right Of Way
MIC: Miami Central
OIA: Orlando International Airport
WPB: West Palm Beach
FLL: Fort Lauderdale
JAX: Jacksonville
SR: State Route
US: US Highway
I: Interstate Highway