This may be a way to recycle rail.,139.5184709,3a,75y,332.44h,91.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swpvOM8qT7aGUi_WwYKgFBw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
This is close to my school when I was growing up in Japan. Notice on the street side, they are using old rail with rebar through them. On the other side of the tracks are concrete pylons with concrete ties, but there is a string of barbed wire at the top. Neither are that tumultuous to climb over. I suppose it's a cultural thing. But they get their fair share of suicides in Japan as well. Not as many trespasser incidents, but enough intentional infractions. But even that has taken a bit of a downward curve, as families are billed for cleanup by the railroad. As selfish an act suicide is, this burden causes many to think before they dishonor their family.
This is close to my school when I was growing up in Japan. Notice on the street side, they are using old rail with rebar through them. On the other side of the tracks are concrete pylons with concrete ties, but there is a string of barbed wire at the top. Neither are that tumultuous to climb over. I suppose it's a cultural thing. But they get their fair share of suicides in Japan as well. Not as many trespasser incidents, but enough intentional infractions. But even that has taken a bit of a downward curve, as families are billed for cleanup by the railroad. As selfish an act suicide is, this burden causes many to think before they dishonor their family.