Bringing food / Having food brought to the train

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lots of choices other than the steak, even though it's very good I also have had many of the alternatives and for the MOST part they have all been good. ( the stir fry is not so good)
The crews on the Texas Eagle#22 often order Bar-B-Q in advance from the Taylor Cafe in Taylor ( next to the Amtrak/UP Station/Bobby Muellers in Taylor is Better) and it is delivered to trainside during the station stop! I've gone in on it when going farther north on the Eagle when riding Coach but never in a Sleeper!
A bit ironic, no? But I fully appreciate the motivation: four choices in the dining car for dinner (main course), vs, a hundred choices from outside, and at half the cost (and probably better). ...

How does sound, as a place to gather information as to what's available at the various stops? Build it as a crowd sourced blog/database.
I don't blame the OBS for wanting "outside" food considering how much time the spend on the trains.
I don't blame the OBS for wanting "outside" food considering how much time the spend on the trains.
Just for grins...old story from Reader's Digest, possibly apocryphal: A patron was ordering dinner in a major chain pizza parlor, when a lass wearing the red-and-white striped uniform of a national fried chicken concern came in carrying a full sack. She dropped the sack behind the counter, picked up two large pizzas in boxes, and left. The customer looked a question at the manager of the pizza parlor, who shrugged. "They get tired of chicken...we get tired of pizza!"
I don't blame the OBS for wanting "outside" food considering how much time the spend on the trains.
Just for grins...old story from Reader's Digest, possibly apocryphal: A patron was ordering dinner in a major chain pizza parlor, when a lass wearing the red-and-white striped uniform of a national fried chicken concern came in carrying a full sack. She dropped the sack behind the counter, picked up two large pizzas in boxes, and left. The customer looked a question at the manager of the pizza parlor, who shrugged. "They get tired of chicken...we get tired of pizza!"
You do get tired of the same food. I had a summer job for 3 summers in my youth working a knish place in Brighton Beach. I got tired of eating knishes all the time.

I don't blame the OBS for wanting "outside" food considering how much time the spend on the trains.

I don't blame the OBS for wanting "outside" food considering how much time the spend on the trains.
Just for grins...old story from Reader's Digest, possibly apocryphal: A patron was ordering dinner in a major chain pizza parlor, when a lass wearing the red-and-white striped uniform of a national fried chicken concern came in carrying a full sack. She dropped the sack behind the counter, picked up two large pizzas in boxes, and left. The customer looked a question at the manager of the pizza parlor, who shrugged. "They get tired of chicken...we get tired of pizza!"

I don't blame the OBS for wanting "outside" food considering how much time the spend on the trains.
Just for grins...old story from Reader's Digest, possibly apocryphal: A patron was ordering dinner in a major chain pizza parlor, when a lass wearing the red-and-white striped uniform of a national fried chicken concern came in carrying a full sack. She dropped the sack behind the counter, picked up two large pizzas in boxes, and left. The customer looked a question at the manager of the pizza parlor, who shrugged. "They get tired of chicken...we get tired of pizza!"
You do get tired of the same food. I had a summer job for 3 summers in my youth working a knish place in Brighton Beach. I got tired of eating knishes all the time.

Likewise, been there, done that: 1) on long Himalayan expeditions, after three months of the same six dehydrated dinner choices, one starts hitting up the locals for local foodstuffs; and walking the PCT, where one has preselected foods and sent them ahead, much of that gets dumped into the "hiker boxes" (goodies for others in need), and one starts shopping for anything else in towns along the trail, even if one has to walk an extra twenty miles back and forth.... been there, done both.

Along said points: I've purchased the domain name... and over time will develop software where people can leave their successes and failures w/re particular Amtrak stops, delivery services, restaurants used and even menu items tried. I don't have much (if any) spare time to shepherd over the site, but I'm hoping with good software, it should run itself, with the real meat of the site being user experiences, hopefully arranged in a user friendly and useful manner.
The only problem with food service on the train (with tongue firmly in cheek) I am not a Pepsi drinker, prefer Coke ;)

The only problem with food service on the train (with tongue firmly in cheek) I am not a Pepsi drinker, prefer Coke ;)

Some of us travel with our own Mtn Dew (Throwback) supply, for exactly said reason: the selection of the train is "not broad enough," ie, not to our liking. ... but I suspect if the GJT feedback is indicative, one could have a supply of one's choice delivered to the train.
How does sound, as a place to gather information as to what's available at the various stops? Build it as a crowd sourced blog/database.
Good idea, but that domain isn't going to fly without approval from Amtrak Legal (and good luck with that).
I ran it by our legals before I bought it: their first take was that since such a website wasn't going to be offering train rides, there wasn't a conflict, eg, Apple vs Apple, the record producers and the fashion statement people in Cupertino. ;-) ... my take is I'd like to make the world a better place [for those wishing more choices w/re food], but am not willing to go to the mat to fight for it... so, if there is a problem, then will simply get a different domain... but from my perspective, the investment on my part will be the software... as such, the domain is in some ways is unimportant [actually was planning on using it as an alias to one of our existing websites].
How does sound, as a place to gather information as to what's available at the various stops? Build it as a crowd sourced blog/database.
Good idea, but that domain isn't going to fly without approval from Amtrak Legal (and good luck with that). :)

I suspect they've registered it (Amtrack) as a trademark, just so that someone else doesn't use it.... but I very much like the idea - has a nice snarky quality to it. How about following after the pattern of ... but either way: let me get the software going, then we can worry about a name.
The only problem with food service on the train (with tongue firmly in cheek) I am not a Pepsi drinker, prefer Coke ;)

Agreed. This is why when I travel with my uncle, who also prefers Coke, we bring our own Coke stash and hope for an SCA who is willing to put up with our asking for ice on a regular basis.
I don't mind Pepsi that much, just brainwashed to ask for Coke. One time I had a Diet Pepsi that tasted 'odd'. I looked at the expiration date and it was old. someone didn't rotate their stock.

I have only drank diet pop for years. Funny thing is I much prefer diet Coke to diet Pepsi but when I used to drink regular pop I much preferred Pepsi to Coke. Regular Coke to me tasted like varnish.
I enjoy Pepsi and their family of products but do not necessarily enjoy paying $2.25 a can in the Lounge; so depending on the length of the trip I'll toss a 6 or 8 of small PLASTIC bottles into my grip (cans can puncture too easily).
I'd prefer they sold the bottles so I can cap it because I usually don't drink a whole can at one sitting. I like the small bottles (12 oz) over the bigger bottles (20 oz).
I don't blame the OBS for wanting "outside" food considering how much time the spend on the trains.
Just for grins...old story from Reader's Digest, possibly apocryphal: A patron was ordering dinner in a major chain pizza parlor, when a lass wearing the red-and-white striped uniform of a national fried chicken concern came in carrying a full sack. She dropped the sack behind the counter, picked up two large pizzas in boxes, and left. The customer looked a question at the manager of the pizza parlor, who shrugged. "They get tired of chicken...we get tired of pizza!"
Not apocryphal. When my kids were teens at Burger King, their boss used to trade fast foods with the other local fast food places. Happens all the time everywhere. Generally, they didn't bring it in the front as it didn't look good for either place. Nowadays, someone would have a viral Youtube video in about 10 minutes from their cell phone but 20 years ago, nobody was even carrying cameras around as you had to buy film.
I know in the microbrew crowd, they share notes as to what they found and how it was... likewise I've enjoyed in Mexico many "microbrew" sodas. I'm wondering if there are enough of them here and enough people that partake to maybe include such in the "food sourcer"? ... the underlying thought being: it's always easier to add function to software when it's in the original design, than to add function after the fact, ie, if the infrastructure is there, adding function is straightforward, but like bringing the new rails into NYC/Manhattan (Gateway), it's always much more difficult as an afterthought.

W/re the plastic bottles vs the too easy to puncture cans... only wish the "real sugar" throwback Mtn Dew was available in anything other than the cans... and although the weight is a bit too much, one can get the Mexican (real sugar) Coke and Pepsi in the old fashion soda machine bottles... but again, never seen either in small plastic bottles :-(
I usually being some Mexican Coke with me on trips, or Jarritos. Always glass bottles- I don't have a death wish so no plastic.
I usually being some Mexican Coke with me on trips, or Jarritos. Always glass bottles- I don't have a death wish so no plastic.
Yes, Jarritos... use to enjoy four or five of their flavors here... until they went over to HFCS (at least the local bottling plant) :-( which I can't stand the taste of. Down in Mexico it is almost impossible to find soda with HFCS [until a year or two ago HFCS was deemed unfit for human consumption, ie, not a food item... until they got their arms twisted by American corporations though WTO action :-( ]... but even so, one still has to look for it (to avoid it). But down there, or least around Orizaba, it is all the glass Coke and Pepsi bottles which get recycled for the microbrew sodas... always an eye opened to see a shelf of Coke bottles with some pink liquid in them... only to find that it's a local guava soda or something of the like. ... the other Mexican soda that makes it up here is the Fanta line - which are still as good as they were back in the 1960s. :)
"I'll toss a 6 or 8 of small PLASTIC bottles into my grip (cans can puncture too easily)."
I thought it was just me being careless! I too have noticed that when I put cans together (like in my bag to bring to work) I sometimes wind up with an empty can container and very soggy bag.
I usually being some Mexican Coke with me on trips, or Jarritos. Always glass bottles- I don't have a death wish so no plastic.
Yes, Jarritos... use to enjoy four or five of their flavors here... until they went over to HFCS (at least the local bottling plant) :-( which I can't stand the taste of. Down in Mexico it is almost impossible to find soda with HFCS [until a year or two ago HFCS was deemed unfit for human consumption, ie, not a food item... until they got their arms twisted by American corporations though WTO action :-( ]... but even so, one still has to look for it (to avoid it). But down there, or least around Orizaba, it is all the glass Coke and Pepsi bottles which get recycled for the microbrew sodas... always an eye opened to see a shelf of Coke bottles with some pink liquid in them... only to find that it's a local guava soda or something of the like. ... the other Mexican soda that makes it up here is the Fanta line - which are still as good as they were back in the 1960s. :)
They legalized HFCS? You are breaking my heart man.
I usually being some Mexican Coke with me on trips, or Jarritos. Always glass bottles- I don't have a death wish so no plastic.
Yes, Jarritos... use to enjoy four or five of their flavors here... until they went over to HFCS (at least the local bottling plant) :-( which I can't stand the taste of. Down in Mexico it is almost impossible to find soda with HFCS [until a year or two ago HFCS was deemed unfit for human consumption, ie, not a food item... until they got their arms twisted by American corporations though WTO action :-( ]... but even so, one still has to look for it (to avoid it). But down there, or least around Orizaba, it is all the glass Coke and Pepsi bottles which get recycled for the microbrew sodas... always an eye opened to see a shelf of Coke bottles with some pink liquid in them... only to find that it's a local guava soda or something of the like. ... the other Mexican soda that makes it up here is the Fanta line - which are still as good as they were back in the 1960s. :)
They legalized HFCS? You are breaking my heart man.
Had their arms twisted (you know: from the waterboarding isn't torture people): was either that or face gigabuck settlements via NAFTA and/or WTO for "restraint of trade", ie, we don't think this is fit for human consumption no longer has standing.... doesn't mean the companies have to use the junk - but means now that the salesgeeks can now offer huge bribes to "encourage" them to do such. ... Luckily most of the rest of the world still believes (and has the science to back such), that HFCS is unfit for human consumption. [Actually we have the science here also, but then again, we have the best government that money can buy.]
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