In my experience when I lived in San Marcos,Texas(SMC),the conductors on the TE would allow pax to board and ride toI thought one could board a train with only a reservation number, when boarding at an unstaffed station, no? While I had a ticket, I remember others doing just that at WRJ.There are no Amtrak ticket agents in Bridgeport. As far as Amtrak is concerned, that is an unstaffed station. It only offers the Quik-Trak option.
Probably only if there is no ticket machine in the station, though.
SAS or AUS with a reservation number/confirmation and get their tickets from the agents or Quik-Trak machine
once the train arrived there!SMC is unmanned,has no Quick-Trak!(of course there are only 2 trains a day there
so none is really needed with AUS and SAS so close!)
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