Our standards for truck drivers in this country are way too low.
If the standards are raised, expect to pay more for pretty much everything you buy, because driver salaries will have to go up quite a bit.
Drivers will have to be given more time off too, adding to the number of truck drivers.
Did you know the trucking industry, at least regarding drivers, is exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act?
I don't know if that is true for dispatchers and other trucking industry jobs.
A lot of trucking companies struggle to keep drivers in their trucks, because it's not a great job to have.
Lots of trucking companies have driver turnover rates that exceed 100% per year.
Large trucking companies often have as much as 20% of their fleet sitting idle simply because they don't have drivers for those trucks.
There is a perpetual shortage of truck drivers that hovers around 50,000 drivers nationally.
Driving a truck is one of
the top 10 most dangerous jobs to have.
Fatality Rate - 29.5 per 100,000 workers
Median annual salary - $38,200
Check with some trucking companies and find out how many people start their training/indoctrination program that a year later are still driving one of their trucks.
I've seen 'classes' starting with 40 people that had 4 people complete the class, and none of those 4 were still driving a truck after 3 months on the job.