Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Hi guys. I have a question for any Amtrak engineers here. I posted a couple of years ago when I was going through the process of getting hired in mechanical. So now I’ve been there for a little bit, I was curious about anyone who’s been through the interview process for engineer trainee. Does anyone know specifically what kind of questions they ask?
As you know, AU is not affiliated with Amtrak.

We have many members who are Amtrak employees, but most do not identify themselves as such on this site.

There are several members who I personally know who have served as OBS and as Conductors , and Engineers.( several have worked in Freight,Commuter Rail and for Amtrak)

Perhaps one of them will be willing to communicate with you via PM and give you the info you seek about applying to be an Amtrak engineer.

Good luck, keep us posted.