George Harris
I agree totally about credibility. So far as I am concerned, CDC has lost it. They keep moving their target(s). I am keeping up with the actual cases and deaths statistics in detail for Mississippi and Tennessee, those two because I am on the border between, and the difference between the real numbers and the sky is falling claims is amazing. The numbers of cases and deaths has gotten so low consistently for the last couple months that stats that were published in detail daily are now either 5 days a week or weekly. I am not an anti-vaxxer by any stretch of the imagination, as I, wife and most of family except the younger kids have had the shots, but as to the masks? I wear them in places where I think it will make the surrounding people more comfortable, but otherwise, generally no. I regard them as primarily theatre. If those of you that want to keep wearing masks, I say knock yourself out doing so and leave the non-paranoid alone. I am just as concerned about catching the flu or a cold as I am Covid.