crutches and getting bags onto superliner roomette

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Jun 23, 2010
Hi! I'm going to be traveling from Boston to Chicago, through DC, on the regular east coast train, then a sleeper to DC. I have a roomette, I think it's on the upper level. I've only been on viewliners, before.

Since I'm traveling alone, I'm concerned about my luggage. I'm on crutches, I can put weight on my bad leg, (and walk with one crutch when necessary), but I won't be able to get my suitcase upstairs. I really don't want to put my train clothes in my backpack, as I will have some challenges carrying that, if it's too bulky, since that will be my pocket book while traveling.

I have a layover in DC, of course. I hope to be able to get a Red Cap to help me with my luggage while in DC...will that be an option? I vaguely remember, years ago, when traveling with my family, getting one to check our luggage while we were there, and he told us when to come back, and he took us down to our train before it was announced, and got us settled *first* That was nice...we were traveling with 4 little kids. Will I be able to get someone like that to help me to the upper floor with my stuff? And if so, what do I tip him?

When I get on the train, at Rte 128, I have a business class seat. I think I can get my bag on by myself, but I'm not 100% sure...

I know that I have to just use one crutch on the train, when it's moving...I fall more with two, it's better to use one crutch and hold onto the luggage racks and walls and things.

Rt 128 does not have Redcap service. I have seen a ticket agent at Rt 128 push an Amtrak wheel chair out to the platform with a mobility impaired person who then walked into the car dragging his luggage.Could you switch to Boston South Station which has Redcaps instead of Rt 128. I suggest you call Amtrak Customer Service and request the assistance you need ahead of time.CS will put special instructions on the train manifest for the crew. However, you should remind the conductor of your need for Redcap help for you and your luggage before arriving at WAS and CHI.The Redcaps will give you a ride in a electric cart to those stations. A relative of mine was in line on crutches at WAS.The gate person pulled him out of line and called for a cart too carry him to the platform.He was given the handicap seat on the Regional and a wheel chair was waiting in BOS. He hadn't asked for any assistance.
Hi! I'm going to be traveling from Boston to Chicago, through DC, on the regular east coast train, then a sleeper to DC. I have a roomette, I think it's on the upper level. I've only been on viewliners, before.
Since I'm traveling alone, I'm concerned about my luggage. I'm on crutches, I can put weight on my bad leg, (and walk with one crutch when necessary), but I won't be able to get my suitcase upstairs. I really don't want to put my train clothes in my backpack, as I will have some challenges carrying that, if it's too bulky, since that will be my pocket book while traveling.

I have a layover in DC, of course. I hope to be able to get a Red Cap to help me with my luggage while in DC...will that be an option? I vaguely remember, years ago, when traveling with my family, getting one to check our luggage while we were there, and he told us when to come back, and he took us down to our train before it was announced, and got us settled *first* That was nice...we were traveling with 4 little kids. Will I be able to get someone like that to help me to the upper floor with my stuff? And if so, what do I tip him?

When I get on the train, at Rte 128, I have a business class seat. I think I can get my bag on by myself, but I'm not 100% sure...

I know that I have to just use one crutch on the train, when it's moving...I fall more with two, it's better to use one crutch and hold onto the luggage racks and walls and things.

Welcome to the board! Do you know the roomette #? This will tell you if you are in an upper roomette or not. Numbers 2 through 10 are on the upper level. You could call & see if there are any lower level roomettes left, but it may cost you more. Redcaps should be able to assist you to the train & with boarding. You Sleeping Car Attendant should assist you with boarding & detraining & luggage as well, & be willing to bring you meals in your roomette if you desire.

Enjoy your trip!
Rt 128 does not have Redcap service. I have seen a ticket agent at Rt 128 push an Amtrak wheel chair out to the platform with a mobility impaired person who then walked into the car dragging his luggage.
According to Amtrak's website, Rte 128 does indeed have Redcap service and I've seen Redcaps on the platform at least a few times.

I do agree with the rest of what Rick wrote. At some point after Philadelphia, when a conductor comes through your car, ask him/her to radio ahead for a Redcap to meet the train. Often the Redcaps will just be there anyhow, but it doesn't hurt to be proactive so that they know to look for you at the BC car.

The Redcap will then take you right to the Club Acela Lounge in DC where you can wait until it's time to board the Capitol Limited. The Redcap will return to take you out to the train and bring your bag right up to your room for you. Assuming that the Redcap helps you off the arriving Regional train, to the lounge, and then to the Capitol, I would suggest a minimum tip of $10. If you have lots of bags, then you might want to increase that some.

Shortly before arrival into Chicago, request that the sleeping car attendant help you with your bag back downstairs. The really good ones will just do it automatically, but other's may need a bit of a nudge. There will also be Redcaps there too should you wish a ride into the station.
Rt 128 does not have Redcap service. I have seen a ticket agent at Rt 128 push an Amtrak wheel chair out to the platform with a mobility impaired person who then walked into the car dragging his luggage.
According to Amtrak's website, Rte 128 does indeed have Redcap service and I've seen Redcaps on the platform at least a few times.

Sorry ,but RTE 128 does not have Redcaps as verified by telephone,781-751-5100. "No,we do not have Redcaps here.Our ticket agents will handle baggage for people needing help, on request."

I have never seen a Redcap working there during 25-30 boardings a year for the last eight years.I have seen blind and mobility impaired people assisted by one of the three ticket agents.
I ended up calling, waiting on hold for a million years, while the person helping me and her supervisor dealt with changing my ticket to Boston South Station, instead of 128, without reticketing and charging me $80, because the price has gone up since I made my reservations. They did it only because I stressed that I was on crutches, and there is no help to speak of available at 128, all I need is a red cap, but that they don't *have* that at 128...and the other station does, and I didn't have crutches when I made my reservations. It shouldn't be this hard to just change stations, that have the same fare schedule, but the system is set up the way it is. They did it, though, and changed one of my roomettes, as well, and they suggested it. It was a nuisance to do, but the person waiting on me was trying to be helpful, so I'm satisfied. They put a note on my ticket that I need help at DC, so a Red Cap will help me off. I'm hoping that they bring me onto the next train, early, so I can get up the stairs easily, without holding up traffic. I *can* go up stairs, I'm just slow!
The auto-repricing is one of Amtrak's revenue tools that they use to increase revenue and try to satisfy the mandate that they make a profit. It unfortunately can get in the way at times, but I'm glad to hear that the agent worked with you to ensure that the switch didn't cost you more.

And yes, the Redcap in DC (as well as Boston), will take you out to the train before they release the masses. You may still have one or two other's boarding with you, if other passengers in your car have also retained Redcaps, but it shouldn't be a crowd either.
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