Depot Dining Cars?

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Mar 20, 2009
Discusssion on the thread on the Southern Crescent diner, brought back memories of the only experience that I ever had having a meal in a diner entirely in a station.

It was back in the early 1970's, in LaSalle Street Station in Chicago. It was run by the Rock Island and was called the "Track One Restaurant".

It was a real diner and lounge car parked on track one (how clever!), and was manned by CRI&P steward, cooks, and waiters. Used regular menu I believe.

You even had to write out your order on the check.

The food was excellent, and it was a unique experience that I utilized twice while visiting Chicago. I don't know how successful it was, nor how long it lasted.

I have taken many trips out of NYC just to have dinner in a diner, but it was always on a train going somewhere.

There are several preserved diner/restaurants around the country, but I don't know of any other that were real railroad operations.
This reminds me of the closest thing I can think of. The Texas State Railroad has a snack car parked on one of their sidings at the station. The car would be fully operational, if it wasn't being used as a station snack bar. Customers enter one way, get their food items, pay, and then exit through the other side of the car. They have the best hot dogs!
This reminds me of the closest thing I can think of. The Texas State Railroad has a snack car parked on one of their sidings at the station. The car would be fully operational, if it wasn't being used as a station snack bar. Customers enter one way, get their food items, pay, and then exit through the other side of the car. They have the best hot dogs!
Lots better than the box lunches that are pre-paid on this great old road! The fresh cooked burgers and dogs are great as you say but the box lunches are overpriced and bland! Save the money for an upgrade to ride in the engine (available on the steamer!!) or A/C car on very hot days when you make this bucket list trip to East Texas! (Best time to go is Spring for the dogwoods, fall for the leaves turning!!!) ;)
Isn't that what a diner is? A dining car that doesn't go anywhere?

But yet, there are a couple of old dining cars, sitting on an unused sidings, around here. One is in Allentown, and is part of the old RR station (as a restaurant, now closed... bad part of town). Another is in NJ, and can be seen from Rt78.
But yet, there are a couple of old dining cars, sitting on an unused sidings, around here. One is in Allentown, and is part of the old RR station (as a restaurant, now closed... bad part of town). Another is in NJ, and can be seen from Rt78.
Same thing in Waukesha, WI. Although I think they are converted coaches, they are still sitting on a siding next to the old Waukesha depot. The depot houses the bar and some seating as well, you can ask to be seated in the rail cars. I'll try to get some pictures as I'll be out that way today.

Edit: Here's their gallery page. Not much detail on the equipment, but there is a shot of inside one of the cars. I still may go by and get some pictures of the equipment. I just got a new HD mini-cam (thanks to a clearance table when I only went in to buy an iTunes gift card), so I need some other subjects than test shots of my desk, house, and fish tank.
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There's a restaurant in Ithaca, NY that uses dining cars, I don't remember the actual origins but wouldn't be suprised if they were old Milwaukee Road equipment, as supplimental or selected dining options.
IIRC Kent Ohio, which hasn't seen pax trains since 71 have a static diner(s) at a refurbished train depot downtown, great for Ming as it overlooks the river valley where a nice NS main runs through... It's not close enough to the main to be disturbing, but not far enough to prevent a little bit of foam.

Though the food is good too!
Here's pictures of La Estacion, the train-themed Mexican restaurant in Waukesha, WI. I met one of the owners while I was taking pictures (he was making sure I wasn't taking pictures for commercial purposes), Edwardo - nice guy.

La Estacion Pictures


If anyone can shed some light on these rail cars, that would be great (and I can update my captions appropriately).
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