I just can't understand your logic other than you're in the mood to be a PITA.Hell, I have those days too. :lol:
The logic's really simple so I can repeat it again quite easily: I believe it to be a fundamental part of property rights that others can't intrude into your property without your permission, whether it be through force or through piercing, intrusive sound. Therefore, when trains run by blowing their horns they are intruding into your property without your consent, violating your rights.
And no, just because the train has been doing it for a long time or just because the train was required to do it as part of its operation or just because your locality failed to require you to soundproof your house (frankly, WTF?) doesn't give the railroad a right to intrude into your home. At the most fundamental level the train is still violating your property even in these cases.
I find it to be a moral issue as well: as much as I and others might like hearing the train, and as much as one might support rail travel, I find it morally questionable to support the operation that intrudes into others' houses without their consent. I find it selfish and against the notions of liberty that this country was founded upon.
And finally, I see it as a huge double standard... with the endless list of things people aren't allowed to do to each others' property without consent, why should we allow the trains to commit the same violation? Is it, again, just because we, individually, support rail so much that we try to justify it to ourselves? Certainly sounds like it.
But in the end it's about property rights, the right to be happy and peaceful in one's house, freely enjoying the fruit of one's labor. Above all other things, the unnecessary whistle encroaches upon that right. Many here have made it clear that they don't really value property rights, and I find that sad. Sort of surprising, too, in this great country.
Oh well.