Do you prefer the upper or lower bed in a Viewliner sleeper?

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OBS Chief
Jun 24, 2020
Which do you prefer and why?

I prefer the upper because it’s easier to set up the bed (compared to pulling out the seats to make the lower bed) and because the ride is perhaps a bit smoother being higher up from the rails.

But I’m open to changing my mind.
Which do you prefer and why?

I prefer the upper because it’s easier to set up the bed (compared to pulling out the seats to make the lower bed) and because the ride is perhaps a bit smoother being higher up from the rails.

But I’m open to changing my mind.
No question it's the Upper for me!
Which do you prefer and why?

I prefer the upper because it’s easier to set up the bed (compared to pulling out the seats to make the lower bed) and because the ride is perhaps a bit smoother being higher up from the rails.

But I’m open to changing my mind.
Always upper for me. The lower level is the living room with seats. The upper is the bedroom which can be pushed up and out of the way when not in use 😊
Lower for me. I am not fond of climbing up and down during the night (although I think I am still able to do so).
Has to be lower for me as I have "aged out" of climbing into the upper. "Ageing out" is still better than the alternative. 😀
Same for me. Medical problems and advancing age make the upper impractical. When travelling as a couple we're in the two roomettes across the hall from each other group.
Lower, always!

My trying to find the steps during the nightly trip(s) to the toilet below while barely awake is just too risky, in my opinion. Also, the air vents under the window and fan on the wall work well and are easily changed without getting up. Easy access to the room light alongside the door is also a benefit.
Few years back with a sleeper, the upper was awesome as I didn’t have to get up to use the bathroom at night, but now that I’m older and arthritis has set in, I would probably prefer the lower for convience, but I really enjoyed the upper.
I always considered the Roomettes on a Viewliner 1 to be a 4 room suite. Downstairs you have your lounge and your bathroom and upstairs you have your bedroom (you can actually sit "Indian style" on the bed) along with your store room.
This. Although most of the time I'm sharing the roomette with my husband. There are few places on earth where I feel such contented, private glee as in the "upstairs" of the Viewliner. Such a pity the Superliner upper berth experience is so bad, although the mattress is a bit better.
I always travel alone and for years have slept on the upper bunk. I like to still have use of the seats and be able to use the bed during the day for naps. But at 69 years old it’s becoming more difficult to climb up there. So I plan on sleeping on the lower bed from now on.
I am 70 YO and still prefer the upper. On my recent trip, I used the downstairs as my dressing room/parlor/dining room/office/bathroom, and kept the upper just for sleeping. No problems climbing up and down. Hint: Turn off the ceiling light before climbing, and use the over-sink light, because you can shut it off easily from the upper bunk.

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