Dome On The Range

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Honored Member
Mar 21, 2007
Southern California
Oh give me a dome

Where the Surfliners roam

And the Coasters and Metrolink play

We're glad it is back

Not on the Adirondack

And the west coast is where it should stay

Seen at Oceanside:

Oh give me a domeWhere the Surfliners roam

And the Coasters and Metrolink play

We're glad it is back

Not on the Adirondack

And the west coast is where it should stay

Seen at Oceanside:


Home, home on the dome

On east coast and west coast they'd roam

If they built number two

Leaving no coast feeling blue

Since both coasts could then call the dome home!
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How about the poor CONO, they took the ssl off this past week, the crew said to write the

brass but they sure could use a dome, california shouldnt get all the good stuff!!!
How about the poor CONO, they took the ssl off this past week, the crew said to write thebrass but they sure could use a dome, california shouldnt get all the good stuff!!!
Well, the dome in the video is for single level trains and cannot be used on the CONO.

Additionally, the CONO lost its sightseer lounge a long time ago, I believe.
The crew on Sunday 7/19 on the #59 told us that the ssl was pulled off saturday for the TE and that

they really needed it as the CCC is not the answer to a lounge(nor diner for that matter!)The train is running full

they tell me, perhaps the "checkers" and service managers and other suits need to leave their desks and ride the

trains more to experience what its really like on the CONO and other trains too!
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california shouldnt get all the good stuff!!!
Yes we should.
Maybe the dome car is some sort of consolation prize/reward for the states with the least functional state governments in the country? California and New York are the only states which ever see it in revenue service! Maybe because Illinois successfully got rid of Blagojevich it's unqualified for the dome car? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
The crew on Sunday 7/19 on the #59 told us that the ssl was pulled off saturday for the TE and thatthey really needed it as the CCC is not the answer to a lounge(nor diner for that matter!)The train is running full

they tell me, perhaps the "checkers" and service managers and other suits need to leave their desks and ride the

trains more to experience what its really like on the CONO and other trains too!
I am quite certain the CONO has only been running with a CCC for some time now.
Not to get too political but Texas and Arkansas dont exactly have world class government and even though the

Eagle seems to get third rate cars and a poor excuse for a diner we still have the ssl on Most runs in the summer!

Last I heard the govs in NY and Cal were in trouble ,Arnies already going back to the movies and the ny

guy is having them want Elliot "Casanova the Great" back!How bout sharing guys, Ill say again flyover(ugh)

country deserves love too from you folks lucky enough to live on the coasts!!
Oh give me a domeWhere the Surfliners roam

And the Coasters and Metrolink play

We're glad it is back

Not on the Adirondack

And the west coast is where it should stay

Seen at Oceanside:

Now that's what I call a great video. Amtrak won't get a green award for fuel conservation but at least you're staying out of trouble :lol:
california shouldnt get all the good stuff!!!
Yes we should.
Maybe the dome car is some sort of consolation prize/reward for the states with the least functional state governments in the country? California and New York are the only states which ever see it in revenue service! Maybe because Illinois successfully got rid of Blagojevich it's unqualified for the dome car? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
If that was the case, then Florida would have all dome trains from Pensacola to Miami.
Not to get too political but Texas and Arkansas dont exactly have world class government and even though theEagle seems to get third rate cars and a poor excuse for a diner we still have the ssl on Most runs in the summer!

Last I heard the govs in NY and Cal were in trouble ,Arnies already going back to the movies and the ny

guy is having them want Elliot "Casanova the Great" back!How bout sharing guys, Ill say again flyover(ugh)

country deserves love too from you folks lucky enough to live on the coasts!!
One correction! In NY Spitzer is brought up as a joke as far as I can see. It's AG Andrew Cuomo, son of former NYS Gov. Mario Cuomo to watch out for. It's being reported locally that Andrew is on the edge of democratic supporters flipping to Andrew if Gov. Pattersons polls drop any further than they already have. I might even vote for Andrew myself if he runs. On a side note, I once served Andrew Cuomo's brother Chris Cuomo, ABC News and I have to say that I've never met a nicer more patient guy!
Has Amtrak ever considered having new domes purchased for use on its single-level trains in the east? I would think that they might be useful on services that have loading gauges too tight for Superliners, but still with some attractive scenery. Would the costs of new (or even refurbished) domes be prohibitive?
Has Amtrak ever considered having new domes purchased for use on its single-level trains in the east? I would think that they might be useful on services that have loading gauges too tight for Superliners, but still with some attractive scenery. Would the costs of new (or even refurbished) domes be prohibitive?

For the Crescent/Meteor/Star, they'd have to be removed in DC. The domes would have to run at the front or back of the train in order to facilitate easier movement.

Now, the LSL could use a dome. They could place it between the two sections and run it (or them) CHI-ALB.
Has Amtrak ever considered having new domes purchased for use on its single-level trains in the east? I would think that they might be useful on services that have loading gauges too tight for Superliners, but still with some attractive scenery. Would the costs of new (or even refurbished) domes be prohibitive?

For the Crescent/Meteor/Star, they'd have to be removed in DC. The domes would have to run at the front or back of the train in order to facilitate easier movement.

Now, the LSL could use a dome. They could place it between the two sections and run it (or them) CHI-ALB.
Doesn't the Boston section use a route with enough clearance for the domes? I'm pretty sure I saw a video with some domes on the LSL from 1994. I think dome-lounges would be a nice addition to the Crescent/Silver Service. With the sleepers on the end now, they could be added as an extra perk for sleeper pax. It would be easy to set it off or couple it on in WAS. Plus, it would help to keep the Viewliners from bouncing around.
Several years ago, before 1979, the Crescent did operate with a dome parlor car from ATL to NOL. This just lasted a few years.

I believe this was during the time the train was still operated by the Southern Railroad and was known as the "Southern Crescent".
Several years ago, before 1979, the Crescent did operate with a dome parlor car from ATL to NOL. This just lasted a few years.
I believe this was during the time the train was still operated by the Southern Railroad and was known as the "Southern Crescent".
Here is a pic I have from 1974 of the Southern Crescent Dome...

Then another in 1976...

Both times we were on the Amtrak through sleeper car from the Sunset Limited. I was too young to appreciate that I we switched from an Amtrak train to a Southern train.
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Has Amtrak ever considered having new domes purchased for use on its single-level trains in the east? I would think that they might be useful on services that have loading gauges too tight for Superliners, but still with some attractive scenery. Would the costs of new (or even refurbished) domes be prohibitive?
As a compromise, how about a single level Sightseer designed along the lines of the 1955 Seaboard Sun Lounge? Good full height wrap around windows and the ability to come right on into Penn. And the design of the Viewliner should make that pretty easy.
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Hopefully when an order for new single level lounge cars comes, they will do something special with the windows. I doubt any dome cars will ever be built, but perhaps just some huge side windows or at least just the double row of windows like the Viewliner Sleepers have.

The interior shot of the car your linked to is humorous. Has those HUGE windows and they picture it with all the seats turned inward and all the curtains closed.
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Several years ago, before 1979, the Crescent did operate with a dome parlor car from ATL to NOL. This just lasted a few years.
I believe this was during the time the train was still operated by the Southern Railroad and was known as the "Southern Crescent".
Here is a pic I have from 1974 of the Southern Crescent Dome...

Then another in 1976...

Both times we were on the Amtrak through sleeper car from the Sunset Limited. I was too young to appreciate that I we switched from an Amtrak train to a Southern train.
Thanks Printman for the shots. I remember you rode in the through sleeper. I envy you for that!!!
That set was also running as 785 today (

If it's in the normal rotation, this should mean that it will be 768 tomorrow.

Thanks to a helpful conductor, I now have insight into 'a week in the life of a Surfliner', so I might be able to predict what trains it will run as in the near future. My notes are at work, though. Follow-up post tomorrow.
That set was also running as 785 today (
Well, somewhere in my existence I have notes about 2 extremely typical (no service disruptions) weeks in the life of all Surfliners. I of course cannot find it now. :angry: I did manage to find a week's worth from a time in February when UP and Metrolink were both doing track work, causing most or all trains to be cancelled and/or truncated at MPK and and LAX, respectively. But I have enough here to educatedly guess that:

This set almost certainly went back to SAN as 768 today, and then probably was/will be:

579 and 590 today;

763 and 784 (the Kirk and Joe show!) and 597 tomorrow.

Then the typicality is lost, and I'm not sure.. :(
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