[soapbox]Jim said "Fox outlet" and I presume that to mean mostly local Fox news casts. As for Cable FoxNews, I love it when people realize that they're have been wrong about FoxNews. They're about the only outlet where one can count on getting facts and ideological cover-ups exposed and not get the wool pulled over their eyes regardless of ones ideologies. That's right... both left and right! Other outlets swing in whatever direction the wind blows for profits and ratings... and to the contray it's hurting them severly in both profits and ratings! Don''t believe it if want, check it out for yourself! But Fox popularity ratings overwhelmingly prove what I'm saying and they're getting more and more popular as people learn the truth and about how their being misled elsewhere!
FoxNews = Right Wing
CNN = Left Wing
NOBODY = Truth
Fox is anything but fair and balanced or the 'truth'. Since when is Gov. Mark Sanford (R-South Carolina) a Democrat (as Fox repeatedly called him during his apology last week)? Who knows if it was on purpose or an error.
CNN isn't fair or balanced either.
I'm afraid the wool has been pulled over your eyes, but I suspect you prefer it that way because of your ideologies. I know the same has happened to me with CNN based on my ideology, but I realize it. Most people have had their idea of truth skewed by the mass media without ever knowing it.