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Jim said "Fox outlet" and I presume that to mean mostly local Fox news casts. As for Cable FoxNews, I love it when people realize that they're have been wrong about FoxNews. They're about the only outlet where one can count on getting facts and ideological cover-ups exposed and not get the wool pulled over their eyes regardless of ones ideologies. That's right... both left and right! Other outlets swing in whatever direction the wind blows for profits and ratings... and to the contray it's hurting them severly in both profits and ratings! Don''t believe it if want, check it out for yourself! But Fox popularity ratings overwhelmingly prove what I'm saying and they're getting more and more popular as people learn the truth and about how their being misled elsewhere!

FoxNews = Right Wing

CNN = Left Wing

NOBODY = Truth

Fox is anything but fair and balanced or the 'truth'. Since when is Gov. Mark Sanford (R-South Carolina) a Democrat (as Fox repeatedly called him during his apology last week)? Who knows if it was on purpose or an error.

CNN isn't fair or balanced either.

I'm afraid the wool has been pulled over your eyes, but I suspect you prefer it that way because of your ideologies. I know the same has happened to me with CNN based on my ideology, but I realize it. Most people have had their idea of truth skewed by the mass media without ever knowing it.

Then it was crashes-- I had to convince her that a Superliner car was a pretty sturdy piece of hardware.
When was the last crash of a plane that had only 1 or 2 deaths? (Maybe 1 or 2 survived!) Or a plane crash where 10 were injured but nobody was killed?
Back in January when the US Airways flight was put down on the Hudson.
Well noted! But that was one of the RARE exceptions! But I've heard a lot more news stories where they say "There's been a MAJOR Amtrak crash - and 1 passenger was killed!"
Then it was crashes-- I had to convince her that a Superliner car was a pretty sturdy piece of hardware.
When was the last crash of a plane that had only 1 or 2 deaths? (Maybe 1 or 2 survived!) Or a plane crash where 10 were injured but nobody was killed?
Back in January when the US Airways flight was put down on the Hudson.
Well noted! But that was one of the RARE exceptions! But I've heard a lot more news stories where they say "There's been a MAJOR Amtrak crash - and 1 passenger was killed!"
I was just answering your question. :D
When was the last crash of a plane that had only 1 or 2 deaths? ... Or a plane crash where 10 were injured but nobody was killed?
That happens all the time. Most airplane accidents have no fatalities at all. See page 15 of this Boeing report. In the period 1959 through 2007, 64 percent of accidents (the vast majority in which the airplane suffered hull loss or substantial damage) had no fatalities; in the period 1998 through 2007, that figure was 75 percent.

You hear about airplane accidents more often than train accidents because the number of commercial flights every day (about 30000 daily in the USA) is vastly greater than the number of trains running every day.

There are many reasons to choose to take the train, but if you want to travel the safest way, you will choose to go by commercial airline.
I think that your view on Fox "News" are wildly off the mark. It's not possible to simultaneously play the victim and say that Fox's ratings suffer for it's slavish devotion to "truth" and say that Fox's high popularity proves your point. If they were that popular, then the ratings would show that. What your data shows is that (in my opinion) Fox "News" excels at telling its viewers what they want to hear, and confirming their worldview as "truth". Unfortunately (for Fox), the number of people that hold that worldview is drawing down day by day.
But to your larger point, it absolutely amazes me that now twice today I've seen a "we shouldn't be talking about politics" post completely intertwined with outrageously biased and incorrect right wing rambling. If you truly want this to be a "no politics" zone, than state as much while leaving your personal opinions off the table. If you put them on the table, than stand by to have them challenged and be discussed without hiding behind the "let's not talk about politics banner".

My $0.02 on the matter. Joe and George, I'm sure that you're both great guys that I'd love to talk trains with until the cows come home - I mean no personal disrespect by calling you out like this, but it's something that I see over and over in other forums and conversations in the workplace, and it always gets under my skin.
No problem being called out if it's honest and sincere, and your last sentence actually reflects what prompted me into my initial "response".

In America everyone has the right to express their opinion right or wrong no matter what direction they lean in, and that is exactly what I was doing while at the same time trying to demonstrate or point out that and why politics shouldn't be discussed here. This isn't the venue for it.

If you read my posting carefully however, you will notice that I was trying as best as I could to make my "responding" point (as I'm doing here) an unbiased statement, dispite my obvious leanings to the right. But some people being what they are will try to spin it to satisfy or fit their own agenda, either left or right. (not saying that you did or to their credit has anyone else done to this point - on this topic - since my original post... yet)

Every once in a while though I do see some here on AU making suttle political statements to the left, but I rarely (if ever) see them called out for it. Only those to the right seem to have attempts made to silence them! Also, I'm not saying that FoxNews is perfect. None of the news outlets are) But if an apparent political bashing of Fox didn't take place to begin with, I wouldn't have even bothered making my last posting.

So if anyone else feels compelled to put their 2 cents in, all I can say is that I already respect your opinions even if I don't agree with them. Respect mine in return and let's just move on and have fun with Amtrak like I will tomorrow morning when I board the CS headed to Portland. :)
Jim said "Fox outlet" and I presume that to mean mostly local Fox news casts. As for Cable FoxNews, I love it when people realize that they're have been wrong about FoxNews. They're about the only outlet where one can count on getting facts and ideological cover-ups exposed and not get the wool pulled over their eyes regardless of ones ideologies. That's right... both left and right! Other outlets swing in whatever direction the wind blows for profits and ratings... and to the contray it's hurting them severly in both profits and ratings! Don''t believe it if want, check it out for yourself! But Fox popularity ratings overwhelmingly prove what I'm saying and they're getting more and more popular as people learn the truth and about how their being misled elsewhere!

FoxNews = Right Wing

CNN = Left Wing

NOBODY = Truth

Fox is anything but fair and balanced or the 'truth'. Since when is Gov. Mark Sanford (R-South Carolina) a Democrat (as Fox repeatedly called him during his apology last week)? Who knows if it was on purpose or an error.

CNN isn't fair or balanced either.

I'm afraid the wool has been pulled over your eyes, but I suspect you prefer it that way because of your ideologies. I know the same has happened to me with CNN based on my ideology, but I realize it. Most people have had their idea of truth skewed by the mass media without ever knowing it.

I didn't get to read your post until after I made my last one, but wanted to acknowledge and note that my last post covers any reply I would have made here. One tounge in cheek comment though... CNN is no where near as bad as MSNBC!" :eek: Also, I used to love to hear James Earl Jones say "And this is CNN" going way back to when Sadom began the whole Iraq situation with the invasion of Kuiate. :)
So if anyone else feels compelled to put their 2 cents in, all I can say is that I already respect your opinions even if I don't agree with them. Respect mine in return and let's just move on and have fun with Amtrak like I will tomorrow morning when I board the CS headed to Portland. :)
:cool: Have a cold drink for me in the PPC while riding up the coast Joe!Ill be 6 days behind you

and hope to read your report oon the magic carpet ride to PDX! :) Jim
let's just move on and have fun with Amtrak like I will tomorrow morning when I board the CS headed to Portland. :)
:cool: Have a cold drink for me in the PPC while riding up the coast Joe!Ill be 6 days behind you

and hope to read your report oon the magic carpet ride to PDX! :) Jim

Well to Both of you make sure you leave enough for the rest of us who will get to LA the week after Jim leaves. I made my daughter and granddaughter promice not to do any "Rain Dances" till after we are gone. But she said we are on our own with the "Shake and Bake" of SoCal. :lol:

After all of you empty out the supplies :lol: , at least they'll have time to reload the PPC for me in PDX for my trip next month! :p

Have fun guys, but leave the PPC in one piece for me! (I can't promise the same thing! :D )

After all of you empty out the supplies :lol: , at least they'll have time to reload the PPC for me in PDX for my trip next month! :p
Have fun guys, but leave the PPC in one piece for me! (I can't promise the same thing! :D )
When Im in PDX Ill warn them youre on the way,also the on board crew on the CS can spread the

word!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I hope this will be my final word on this since politics should not be discussed on this forum... Let's keep the political bashing on the blogs that love to bash and try to mislead others! Discuss Amtrak and trains here on AU!
I disagree. Politics should be discussed on this forum (it just doesn't belong in this thread) because Amtrak funding is a product of politics and political debate. Not only that but issues relating to state funding of Amtrak services is also political and is especially true right now with many states having to make tough decisions as to what they can fund in order to stay solvent.
I hope this will be my final word on this since politics should not be discussed on this forum... Let's keep the political bashing on the blogs that love to bash and try to mislead others! Discuss Amtrak and trains here on AU!
I disagree. Politics should be discussed on this forum (it just doesn't belong in this thread) because Amtrak funding is a product of politics and political debate. Not only that but issues relating to state funding of Amtrak services is also political and is especially true right now with many states having to make tough decisions as to what they can fund in order to stay solvent.
The problem isn't discussing politics as it relates to Amtrak. Commuter Rail, HSR, etc.

The problem is when folks won't do so politely and allow others to express their opinions, even if they are the opposite of one's own.
I hope this will be my final word on this since politics should not be discussed on this forum... Let's keep the political bashing on the blogs that love to bash and try to mislead others! Discuss Amtrak and trains here on AU!
I disagree. Politics should be discussed on this forum (it just doesn't belong in this thread) because Amtrak funding is a product of politics and political debate. Not only that but issues relating to state funding of Amtrak services is also political and is especially true right now with many states having to make tough decisions as to what they can fund in order to stay solvent.
The problem isn't discussing politics as it relates to Amtrak. Commuter Rail, HSR, etc.

The problem is when folks won't do so politely and allow others to express their opinions, even if they are the opposite of one's own.
Thank you for pointing that out especially about the part where where politics is ok when it's related to Amtrak. I just didn't think to mention that in my prior posting and did not intentionally omit it to mislead anyone.

My apologies to tp49 (with whom I agree with what he said) and anyone else that may have been misled by the omission! :blush: Now to get my tip sharpened and get back into my box of crayons! :lol:
But Fox popularity ratings overwhelmingly prove what I'm saying and they're getting more and more popular as people learn the truth and about how their being misled elsewhere!
For a little perspective:

FOX & Friends- 836,000 viewers

CNN American Morning-352,000 viewers

MSNBC Morning Joe-347,000 viewer

CNBC Squawk Box-153,000 viewers

Spongebob Squarepants - 8.1 million viewers

Votes cast in 2008 presidential election - 131,257,328

All of the above news programs total to less than 1.3% of votes cast.
An old school cheer: "Watermelon,watermelon,watermelon rind, look at the scoreboard and see

whos behind!!" Those numbers tell me that the American People are smarter than most of the pundits

and "experts" think, and as Bob Dylan once sang: '..the times they are a' changing..."As most probably realize

most folks are keeping informed via phones, the web ( including this sight!!) and starting to think for

themselves hence the results of the last election!This is not too political, as Casey Stengel used to say:

"..you could look it up..."lets support officials that like and support trains like our new prez and veep!

(Id say the same if the other side didnt try to kill amtrak for like 20 years!!)
You are correct Sir!The never ending battle to save and improve our passenger trains is the mission

we all ahare no matter what our beliefs about the suits in places of power!I only point out one aspect

of the new team in town and thats their support of trains,especially AMTRAK!(wish I could have rideen the

train from Philadelphia to DC with the new guys!Id say the same if the other team had won!!)
One of the great shocks I had on my first trips to the USA was the way "opinions" get passed off by TV news as "facts" over there.. sadly a trend the UK is following. Even this side of the pond Fox TV is well known as a biased right wing channel. Which is sort of ok, just so long as the viewer is aware of the bias !Anyway, you right honourable ladies and gents, as we say in Parliament, back to the trains..

There has to be a joke about dealers being on "the right lines" using Amtrak.. ?

Ed :cool:
Thank God we still have the BBC and people like Jeremy Paxman on Dutch cable tv, Ed, so there's still hope for Britain! :)

But you're right: if in my country they need an example of very right-wing, extremely biased tv-news they show footage of FoxNews...

And now for something completely different: trains!

Last episode of documentary series Future Express is about traveling with Amtrak from New York via Chicago & Seattle to San Francisco; it's called The American Dream and you can watch it here: http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=9742962
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But Fox popularity ratings overwhelmingly prove what I'm saying and they're getting more and more popular as people learn the truth and about how their being misled elsewhere!
For a little perspective:

FOX & Friends- 836,000 viewers

CNN American Morning-352,000 viewers

MSNBC Morning Joe-347,000 viewer

CNBC Squawk Box-153,000 viewers

Spongebob Squarepants - 8.1 million viewers

Votes cast in 2008 presidential election - 131,257,328

All of the above news programs total to less than 1.3% of votes cast.
Given those choices Spongebob isn't going to immediately depress me with news of doom and gloom with the morning coffee. Since I'm tired of hearing about the economy and Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson's potential impact on the economy, I think I'll watch Spongebob for a change. :cool:

EDIT: Seems the code for the smiley changed...
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But Fox popularity ratings overwhelmingly prove what I'm saying and they're getting more and more popular as people learn the truth and about how their being misled elsewhere!
For a little perspective:

FOX & Friends- 836,000 viewers

CNN American Morning-352,000 viewers

MSNBC Morning Joe-347,000 viewer

CNBC Squawk Box-153,000 viewers

Spongebob Squarepants - 8.1 million viewers

Votes cast in 2008 presidential election - 131,257,328

All of the above news programs total to less than 1.3% of votes cast.
Given those choices Spongebob isn't going to immediately depress me with news of doom and gloom with the morning coffee. Since I'm tired of hearing about the economy and Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson's potential impact on the economy, I think I'll watch Spongebob for a change. :cool:

EDIT: Seems the code for the smiley changed...

SpongeBob for Prez. :) :)
One of the great shocks I had on my first trips to the USA was the way "opinions" get passed off by TV news as "facts" over there.. sadly a trend the UK is following. Even this side of the pond Fox TV is well known as a biased right wing channel. Which is sort of ok, just so long as the viewer is aware of the bias !Anyway, you right honourable ladies and gents, as we say in Parliament, back to the trains..

There has to be a joke about dealers being on "the right lines" using Amtrak.. ?

Ed :cool:
Thank God we still have the BBC and people like Jeremy Paxman on Dutch cable tv, Ed, so there's still hope for Britain! :)

But you're right: if in my country they need an example of very right-wing, extremely biased tv-news they show footage of FoxNews...

And now for something completely different: trains!

Last episode of documentary series Future Express is about traveling with Amtrak from New York via Chicago & Seattle to San Francisco; it's called The American Dream and you can watch it here: http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=9742962
Great video Ruud!Thanks! :cool:
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