Fred Frailey on the CZ diner from hell

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Service Attendant
Sep 1, 2013
Has anyone caught Fred Frailey's recent blog on (this is free viewing for anyone)? In it he describes his last trip on the California Zephyr where the dining car LSA waited until the entire diner was completely full before anyone even got menus. All the orders then came down to the kitchen at the same time, causing the cooks and servers to be bombarded with work. Once the diner was completely cleared out, the steward then set the car and called the entire waiting list in at one time! This led to the minimum wait for a meal to about 45 minutes, and a 90 minute wait for anyone on a waiting list. Does anyone think this is a good way to run a diner? Is this acceptable per Amtrak policy? From someone who spent some time waiting tables, I know how stressful it is to have to serve multiple tables that "sit" at the same time.
It seems each LSA has their own way of running their Diner-some are very efficient and customer friendly and others are total disaster. Of course I'm usually in no hurry to get out of the Diner once I'm seated but I don't like having to cool my heels in the Lounge or piddle about in my room when it is 30 minutes past ticket time and still no sign of any tables opening.

From my experience LSAs who try to seat everyone in rigid blocks are asking for disaster because even though everyone may arrive within a few minutes, they do not finish at the same time and that results in tables sitting vacant while laggers are still eating and the clock is running well into the next seating time.
I think Fred's point was this was a seriously bad way to run a diner and that Amtrak management should bring such a rouge operation into line. The person in charge of the diner is apparently is at the top of the seniority list at Chicago OBS operations and has probably been badly managing the diner for years. Good management should have brought this person under control years ago. Unfortunately this seems to be a problem throughout Amtrak with employees making up their own rules as they go along.
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Saw it. I think Fred made it clear that this LSA has a great deal of seniority and thus makes up her own rules. I feel really sad for her fellow employees who have to report to her, not too mentions paying customers!
WE had Julie on both 7 & 8 two weeks ago. Her voice took a little getting used too, but she ran a good diner,,,,

I rode the Canadian last Feb. From Vancouver to Toronto with Fed and a group of Canadian and American Railroaders! He wrote a nice Column in "Trains" and on his blog which I know was true cause I was there!

We all really loved the Equipment, the Scenery, the Food and the Service but disliked the numerous delays for CN Freights that made us 9 Hours Late into Toronto!

I heard some fascinating RR stories, some were probably even True, while riding in the Park Car Lounge, Domes and in the Diner while tasting a few adult beverages with Fred and his RR Cronies!

The comment I remember best from Fred was " Now this is the way to run a Diner!"
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WE had Julie on both 7 & 8 two weeks ago. Her voice took a little getting used too, but she ran a good diner,,,,
wait... Amtrak Julie is a real person? :help:
Actually. Amtrak Julie IS a real person. She was an OBS chief on the Auto Train, and her voice was used as the Julie on 800-USA-RAIL. Not sure if her real name is Julie or not.
WE had Julie on both 7 & 8 two weeks ago. Her voice took a little getting used too, but she ran a good diner,,,,
wait... Amtrak Julie is a real person? :help:
Actually. Amtrak Julie IS a real person. She was an OBS chief on the Auto Train, and her voice was used as the Julie on 800-USA-RAIL. Not sure if her real name is Julie or not.
Wikipedia says that Julie is a voice artist, named Julie Seitter
WE had Julie on both 7 & 8 two weeks ago. Her voice took a little getting used too, but she ran a good diner,,,,
wait... Amtrak Julie is a real person? :help:
Actually. Amtrak Julie IS a real person. She was an OBS chief on the Auto Train, and her voice was used as the Julie on 800-USA-RAIL. Not sure if her real name is Julie or not.
Wikipedia says that Julie is a voice artist, named Julie Seitter
There was, or is a real Amtrak Julie that worked Autotrain, a really great person and an excellent representative of Amtrak at its best.
How do we keep track of all the Julies? There was a Julie who served for many years as an Auto Train Chief of Onboard Services. She was an outstanding Chief and I'm proud to say I was on her crew for a considerable time. She retired almost 2 years ago. Many people suggested that she might have done the voice of "Amtrak Julie" because her voice was somewhat similar; but she always denied it and I believe she is not "Amtrak Julie". The Julie photographed on 7/8 is also a different person.

For those who remember her fondly, you'll be happy to know Auto Train Julie is enjoying an active and happy retirement after working for Amtrak for over 35 years on the Auto Train, other trains, and on numerous special projects. Her high standards and her charming personality are very much missed.

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The mention of Auto Train Julie reminds me that the Auto Train is, AFAIK, the last train to use Onboard Service Chiefs. They were removed from the other trains several years ago. If there had been a Chief in charge on the Zephyr, I suspect Fred might have had a better dining car experience.

At least that's one opinion.

The picture above with the nice young lady is certainly not the (in)famous Miss Polly. I actually found her a bit entertaining, but it might be trouble if someone did post her photo on the Internet. I was on the TE in Oct. 2012 and had the pleasure(?) of her service. Mr. Hudson, ahem, is a big fan of hers! Gulp!
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Since when is it a problem to post photos of people working public jobs on the Internet?

Especially an obviously staged photo where it is clear she is aware her photo is being taken.
How do we keep track of all the Julies? There was a Julie who served for many years as an Auto Train Chief of Onboard Services. She was an outstanding Chief and I'm proud to say I was on her crew for a considerable time. She retired almost 2 years ago. Many people suggested that she might have done the voice of "Amtrak Julie" because her voice was somewhat similar; but she always denied it and I believe she is not "Amtrak Julie". The Julie photographed on 7/8 is also a different person.

For those who remember her fondly, you'll be happy to know Auto Train Julie is enjoying an active and happy retirement after working for Amtrak for over 35 years on the Auto Train, other trains, and on numerous special projects. Her high standards and her charming personality are very much missed.

The "Julie" on Amtrak's phone line is a professional voice artist and not an Amtrak employee.
Thank goodness my time working on the World Famous Jungle Cruise at Walt Disney World predated digital phones and Facebook. I would have a heckuva time trying to track down all those naughties to get my face removed. It's on one blog. But it was a staff photo, reprinted with permission. :D

I don't think anyone is oogling over it... And 20 years later, I'd probably be more inclined to be offended.

Honestly, if I had a problem with my picture being posted online, I would probably not agree to having my pic taken in the first place.
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Thank goodness my time working on the World Famous Jungle Cruise at Walt Disney World predated digital phones and Facebook. I would have a heckuva time trying to track down all those naughties to get my face removed. It's on one blog. But it was a staff photo, reprinted with permission. :D
**goes gets her Jungle Cruise pics to post**

Actually, I'm not sure I have any of the crew members.
**goes gets her Jungle Cruise pics to post**

Actually, I'm not sure I have any of the crew members.
That one there is me with Trader Sam...ohh - that's the snake I had a crush on...until she returned the favor...

And that one - oh that's a guest...

And that's me when I started as a singer in It's a Small World...after my folks left me behind...
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