Existing unarmed security guards have proven useless and have failed to deal with degenerates, regardless of whether they are friendly to passengers or not. We need severe crackdowns on degenerates. We need to assert authority and control to defeat degenerates whenever and wherever possible. An iron fist is needed!
A degenerate who is leaning on the side of a bus terminal is technically touching bus line property. Even better, perhaps a bus line could purchase the sidewalk around their terminal to extend control.
I am not waging war on Greyhound. My signature only says that I am "waging war", it does not say that I am waging war on Greyhound. In fact, I am "waging war" on sophistry, degenerates, tobacco companies, bus industry professionals, Rent-a-Cops, American Seating, MCI, NJT, the EPA, Cummins, and the political party that tried to legalize marijuana. But no, I am not waging war on Greyhound.
However, I would like to point out that no matter how much I hate the aforementioned, I am NOT a terrorist. In fact, not only am I not a terrorist, but I would also "wage war" on terrorism, such as by supporting increased military intervention to defeat ISIS.