How far can they extend the Amtrak California Capitol Corridor?

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South would be the Mexico border.
Going north should be the Oregon State Line.
However you run low on population north of Eureka and Redding.

What is on the schedule after the HSR (High Speed Rail) is done and the state see the ridership/demand jump? Well the HSR is bogged down and with no clear finish time so expansion plans are not a priority at this time.
But seriously, there's been talk of Reno for the Capital Corridor, but it seems unlikely at the moment.

I think there are plans for a NE extension, to Chico, but I think that's the San Joaquin via Yuba City.
Would it be totally off base to think they could run Oakland/EMY to Reno 2-3 days a week. Fri to Sun. Airlines have started targeted service like that the last 10 years. The infrastructure is in place. Won’t happen but I think it would work especially if you could use idled equipment over the weekend. Basic transportation without the fun of the former fun train.
But seriously, there's been talk of Reno for the Capital Corridor, but it seems unlikely at the moment.

See Capitol Corridor (PDF) for the developing plans for extending Capitol Corridor Service to Reno.

I think there are plans for a NE extension, to Chico, but I think that's the San Joaquin via Yuba City.

Right. That is not Capitol Corridor. That is what is now called Valley Rail and managed by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission which handles both the San Joaquin Service and the ACE Service and any extensions of either of those two. See Valley Rail - San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission.
It’s better to build a passenger service before it’s needed! Also there is “induced demand” for good on time passenger rail. Being on time is more important than reaching “ high speed “ goals.
The route that needs attention on the west Coast is from Sacramento to Eugene via the original SP route. It should go thru Sacramento Airport. From Redding south it would be on a Class 3 road from Tehama Junction to Woodland or even all the way to Davis were it would connect to the Capital Corridir route. The Swiss model should be used. If your not aware of this do some research on YouTube for Railways Explained!
The route to Chico also needs to be established. California and specifically the Sacramento Valley north to Southetn Oregon and Eugene needs passenger rail. Not high Speed but Just in Time!!
It’s better to build a passenger service before it’s needed! Also there is “induced demand” for good on time passenger rail. Being on time is more important than reaching “ high speed “ goals.
The route that needs attention on the west Coast is from Sacramento to Eugene via the original SP route. It should go thru Sacramento Airport. From Redding south it would be on a Class 3 road from Tehama Junction to Woodland or even all the way to Davis were it would connect to the Capital Corridir route. The Swiss model should be used. If your not aware of this do some research on YouTube for Railways Explained!
The route to Chico also needs to be established. California and specifically the Sacramento Valley north to Southetn Oregon and Eugene needs passenger rail. Not high Speed but Just in Time!!
The Siskiyou line between SAC and EUG would take five hours longer than on the Cascade line. On the internet there used to be a well-done analysis of turning it into a European high-speed rail line and the cost was horrible. I would never say never, but there are a lot of other things to be done first.

As of right now, Greyhound and FlixBus service for Weed, Ashland, Medford, Grants Pass, and Roseburg has been discontinued again. If I lived in Mt. Shasta, I'd be after Caltrans to lead negotiations for a pooled operation with ODOT for a EUG <> SAC Thruway route via I-5 stops. THEN, let's talk about rail service.
Siskiyou Summit was always slower than going thru K Falls. If I remember right, I looked up timetables from when the SP last ran passenger service both ways and it was a 2-hour difference. However, a route from Portland to Ashland might be workable since Medford is much larger than it used to be and Ashland gets tourist trade for the Shakespear Festival. But Grant's Pants to Roseburg is still pretty slow and always will be.