I really should know this. Points travel for 2.

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Jun 13, 2008
Central Jersey
I'm sorry this is a rookie question that I know I should know the answer to, but I am at a loss. I'm working on burning my miles here, and a friend of mine has decided he is game to give Amtrak a shot. I know rooms are the same number of points for 1 or 2 people in a room, but what if you have to connect on a regional train? He wants to go "Maine to Miami" which I am up for since I still haven't gone out to Brunswick yet. So my very n00b question is if I started a 1 zone award in Brunswick down to Miami how many points would that be?

Also if I wanted to burn the points on Acela first I would have to do that as a separate award, and that would be per person obviously. I think. I always had it figured to go all sleepers on 3 zone awards, so I've never really looked at it this way before.

Thanks for the help. I feel like a total knob asking such basic questions.
The redemption would cover both of you in business class on the regional.

Edit: and the Downeaster. The general rule is everyone on the redemption is covered on legs where sleepers aren't available.
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The redemption would cover both of you in business class on the regional.

Edit: and the Downeaster. The general rule is everyone on the redemption is covered on legs where sleepers aren't available.

BRK no, POR yes.

Thanks for the quick response that's what I thought/hoped, but I couldn't remember for sure. Figures you can't start at BRK :unsure: I should have known that. I am rusty with Amtrak :(
Points travel for two in sleepers under new AGR rules: what about two people traveling in (for example) a roomette under the upcoming AGR rules: how will that be figured/ticketed?
Just like now, under AGR2.0 there will be One Room Charge,with the Rail Fare for ONE Adult included, but it will be based on the Bucket the Room is in @ the time of booking, not on a Zone System. And it will be based on the Full Fare, not discounts like AAA, Senior,Saver Fares etc.

The second ( or more) Adult in the Room will each be charged their RailFare, payable in Points. ( or coming in 2016 per the Marketing blurb, with Cash unlike now!)

What I'm not clear on is if this Rail Fare will be the Lowest Bucket Coach Fare as @ present, or be the current Bucket when you book???

Also, remember,unlike now, after 1/24/16 any changes or Cancellations will result in a 10% point Penalty and if less than 14 days before departure a 20% Point penalty! Pretty draconian since stuff happens in life!

Generally, the Longer the LD Trip in Sleepers, the higher the Cost in Points will be. (some as much as Double or Triple!!!!!)

Thus, the reason why so many members are burning their points before Jan. 24,2016 and not getting the New AGR Credit Cards.( dont look for Chase UR points to be transferable very long after Sept. 30?! "Until further notice" as Anthony said, means "not long" in Corporate/Marketing Speak!)

The New and Unimproved AGR2.0 Motto:

More for Us! Less for You! Unless you live where we do on the NEC!!
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