20th Century Rider
I love the PDX station but surrounding area is not the best. Lots of apparent unrest there right now and I probably wouldn't want to walk around the inner city.
So it just means Amtrak trains run even slower?The FAA just declared Portland a no fly zone till 8/16 according to a NOTAM issued today. I believe the airport remains unaffected by it though. The reason given was "National Security"
I agree that it's a poor slogan. When I first heard it, I thought, "Oh, great. Now I'm going to have to spend money and time buying a gun and learning how to use it since there won't be any police around. Oh yay."
The FAA just declared Portland a no fly zone till 8/16 according to a NOTAM issued today. I believe the airport remains unaffected by it though. The reason given was "National Security"
To be a bit more accurate, the airspace over a small portion of the city of Portland was declared a no-fly zone up to 1,000 feet above ground level. The attempt is presumably to keep news helicopters and photography drones away from the area. You can draw your own conclusions about why the Federal government might want to keep news helicopters and photography drones away from one specific area.
There are some slogans being tossed around today that have not been well thought through by whomever devised them. They almost seem to have been created "on the spur of the moment".
Compare that with Martin Luther King's "I have a dream...". I'd bet that Dr. King did not create those historic words just as he stood at the podium that day.
Portland’s union station will be a 5 star hotel compared to Indianapolis!
On other times we took a MAX line to Voodoo Doughnuts and would like to go again (who wouldn’t) in 2021. What is the best MAX stop for this, how long a walk is it, and is it a safe-enough walk there and back to MAX?With the madness going on out west we're seriously concerned about our September Amtrak trip to Portland. Does anyone know if Amtrak passengers are being harassed in and around the PDX station?
I have stayed at Embassy Suites a couple of times, which is very close to Voodoo doughnuts. I routinely walked from Union Station (by myself and with luggage) to the Embassy Suites. I thought it was safe enough, even though walking by the bus station with a lot of homeless may concern some. I do not think I would make the walk at night by myself. (I am a fairly small woman in my mid to late 60s who walks daily).On other times we took a MAX line to Voodoo Doughnuts and would like to go again (who wouldn’t) in 2021. What is the best MAX stop for this, how long a walk is it, and is it a safe-enough walk there and back to MAX?
Agree. A slogan not as inflammatory might not be as misunsderstood. It also would not be given as much prominence in the media.Because that is the denotation of the words, taken at face value. If the intended connotation is different, then it's a poorly chosen slogan.
The FAA just declared Portland a no fly zone till 8/16 according to a NOTAM issued today. I believe the airport remains unaffected by it though. The reason given was "National Security"
I just spoke with my sister in Beaverton just outside Portland, and she said that she is going downtown tonight to protest since the buses are running. She will not sit by and watch as our rights are taken away.
I just spoke with my sister in Beaverton just outside Portland, and she said that she is going downtown tonight to protest since the buses are running. She will not sit by and watch as our rights are taken away.
Just curious, but I am wondering what "minor infractions" you would like to see ignored? And I guess if they should be ignored, they should be repealed as well. Same with small-dollar shoplifting. Anything goes.Police should be concentrating on real felonies and the more serious misdemeanors. Police involvement in routine traffic stops for minor infractions, many domestic disputes, small-dollar shoplifting, non-violent political civil disobedience and the like detract from the functions police are best trained to handle.
Where did I state they should be ignored? Minor crimes, traffic infractions, etc. can be handled more efficiently by professionals who are more focused on, and trained to, de-escalation of situations rather than kicking ***. If the well-armed police are needed, they can always be called in.Just curious, but I am wondering what "minor infractions" you would like to see ignored? And I guess if they should be ignored, they should be repealed as well. Same with small-dollar shoplifting. Anything goes.
The anonymous federal goons we keep seeing in Portland -- even worse than the minority of local police who violate citizens -- should not exist in a democracy.
I agree. At the present time, Federal law enforcement should not be enforcing traffic infractions or minor crimes except on federal property.Where did I state they should be ignored? Minor crimes, traffic infractions, etc. can be handled more efficiently by professionals who are more focused on, and trained to, de-escalation of situations rather than kicking ***. If the well-armed police are needed, they can always be called in.
The anonymous federal goons we keep seeing in Portland -- even worse than the minority of local police who violate citizens -- should not exist in a democracy.
Coming back to OP's original question.... In my experience, as one who's visted Portland half a dozen times: Sometimes walking around downtown it'll look dodgy but isn't actually dangerous, at least during the day.
I have only walked around Portland once, probably about 5 years ago. I arrived on 27 and was leaving on southbound Starlight and wanted to check out Powell's Books. A security officer at the Station told me to walk down a certain street to get there and by doing so I should be able to avoid "aggressive" panhandlers. I took his advice and did not encounter any panhandlers, aggressive or meek, and had a nice time between trains.This sums it up well. Portland takes pride in “being weird” - it’s one of the more friendly cities because of that. But it seems to make some people uncomfortable.