Look at the map. Not a road map, a topographic map. Even without any other interferenc from other trains, a train on the current Bakersfield to Los Angeles line would probably take around 5 hours. Metrolink already owns the line south of Palmdale. Ever heard of the Tehatchapi Loop? The railroad climbs something like 3,500 feet in elevation between Bakersfield and Tehatchapi by means of one of the major 19th century engineering feats of the world. In fact, if the line were to be built new today, it would be much the same. The only way to be straighter and shorter would be to be steeper. There is no possibility of something like the so called "base tunnels" that are being built in the Alps in Europe. It would amount to building a tunnel most of the distance between Bakersfield and Sylmar, what is that? Around 80 miles and crossing several faults? The longest tunnel elsewhere in the world is somewhere under 30 miles and wa horrendously expensive.
Not quite 80 miles of tunnel to get through the Tehachapi mountains. The route analysis and scoping documents for the CA HSR
Bakersfield to Palmdale segment are available. I have not looked at this segment of the CA HSR planning in some time. There is a January 2012 update on the route alternatives titled Agenda Item 5 - Attachment AA Report Volume 1 (37 page PDF, ~3.5 MB) on the top of the document set which has a useful cutaway sideway of the Tehachapi mountain range profile and possible route grades on page 24. New Alternative T3 is 39.4 miles (of the 3 subsections), would consist of 10.9 miles of tunnels, 3.4 miles of elevated structures and 25.2 miles of cut/fill/At-grade. T3 has an average grade of 2.85% over 20 miles, sustained grade of 3.3% over 8 miles. This is a route for passenger trains, not for freight trains. A skim read of the analysis summary report shows how much preliminary engineering work and communications with the local community planners has been done towards picking a new HSR route through the mountains.
10.9 miles is a lot of tunnels to dig out, but it is a manageable amount with modern tunnel boring machines. Will take some years and a few billion dollars to build 2 tracks through the mountains friom Bakersfield to Palmdale however.