MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) discussion

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Noticed that the dislodged trolly retract mechanism was mounted very high on that trolly. Suspect that an operator would have to stand on something to rewire the trolly pole to the trolly wire. All trolly cars and trackless trolleys I ever saw the mechanism is much lower on the vehicle.
Noticed that the dislodged trolly retract mechanism was mounted very high on that trolly. Suspect that an operator would have to stand on something to rewire the trolly pole to the trolly wire. All trolly cars and trackless trolleys I ever saw the mechanism is much lower on the vehicle.
I believe Boston did this to prevent kids from yanking the pole off the wire. The operator could reach the rope by standing on the coupler.
Note that the new version of the Green Line Train Protection System will be deployed in 2 phases. Phase 1 just provides a warning to the operator of a pending collision or speed violation. Phase 2 will include automatically slowing and stopping the train if the warnings are ignored, plus an interface to the signaling system to prevent red signal overruns (SPADs).

Note that phase 2 will only be installed to the Type 9 and future Type 10 vehicles. I suppose they are assuming that by the time phase 2 is up and running the current type 7 and 8 vehicles will be near retirement. Although the schedule plans for phase 2 to be complete by June 2028, whereas the type 10 deliveries will not be completed until 2031 so even if the schedule is actually met, there will still be type 7/8 cars running for some time without the full capabilities.

System Summary, from the MBTA Transition Planning slides:
• Radio communication-based system utilizing carborne and wayside equipment to determine train position to:
• Enforce operating speed listed in the MBTA database
• Provide train-to-train communication and redundant LiDAR technology to detect impending collisions
• Determine status of upcoming signal to prevent red signal overruns

The system is being provided by Piper which appears to specialize in safety systems for Transit.
Finally, a semi express service single round trip BOS <> Worcester. Sorry it is not MBTA.

"'It made sense,' Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty said about having commuters take Amtrak between the two cities."

Not really. The train leaves Boston around 1pm, and returns from Worcester around 7:30pm. Maybe somebody commuting in reverse, from Boston to Worcester, could use the evening train if they're working late. Perhaps there's a market for pleasure day trips from Boston to Worcester.
"'It made sense,' Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty said about having commuters take Amtrak between the two cities."

Not really. The train leaves Boston around 1pm, and returns from Worcester around 7:30pm. Maybe somebody commuting in reverse, from Boston to Worcester, could use the evening train if they're working late. Perhaps there's a market for pleasure day trips from Boston to Worcester.
Might be more useful once there are Inland Route or Boston - Springfield trips added which are planned for the future.
The eastbound trip timing is of course subject to delays that can happen between Chicago and Worcester. Although apparently the timekeeping has been better lately, it is not the Late For Sure Limited anymore.
"'It made sense,' Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty said about having commuters take Amtrak between the two cities."

Not really. The train leaves Boston around 1pm, and returns from Worcester around 7:30pm. Maybe somebody commuting in reverse, from Boston to Worcester, could use the evening train if they're working late. Perhaps there's a market for pleasure day trips from Boston to Worcester.
The train is already planned to stop at Worcester, so if Amtrak can sell a ticket, why not? Years ago you could purchase Worcester-Boston but Amtrak stopped after the MBTA increased its frequency. It's not like Worcester is a flag stop, so it made little sense to deny selling tickets to anyone willing to pay, schedule and price notwithstanding. But Amtrak likes to do things that are head scratchers.
Amtrak sometimes restricts local traffic when paralleled by a commuter train, other times it doesn’t. I believe it used to in Metro North territory, but no longer?
Here in South Florida, it won’t sell tickets unless travelling to or from points north of West Palm Beach since Tri Rail provides that service, as well as Brightline now, on its parallel route.
I believe that’s the case in Chicago and maybe CA as well…🤔
In the pre Amtrak days of the PRR and Penn Central, you could ride the intercity trains between Philadelphia and Paoli, Trenton, and Wilmington for the same fares as the commuter locals, including off peak discounted fares. This is what enabled my joyriding hobby in the late 1960s. It was much more fun riding the intercity trains equipped with reclining seat coaches than riding in an old rattling MP54 EMU. I was able to sample the Keystone "Tubular" Train and the New Haven coaches on the through trains to Boston. They even sometimes had long distance coaches with incredible legroom on the New Yok to Washington trains. All for the price of a commuter ticket. You did have to pay more if you wanted to ride a Metroliner, buy you could ride it between Philly and Trenton or Wilmington.