Lead Service Attendant
What will replace the current trains operating in corridor service (Illini, Saluki, Lincoln Service, Hiawatha, Wolverine, etc) Will it be the Nippon-Sharyo bi-levels and Siemens SC-44 Chargers?
I hate the current wisconsin governer, killing all the rail programs, and refusing to upgrade current ones.I'd just point out that at this point Wisconsin has not joined the bilevel coach order, so the Hiawatha will continue to use Amfleet/Horizon cars.
Oh for pete's sake. I like this forum, but really tire of uninformed political statements. I usually just ignore them, but when we say we hate someone for taking a difficult stand to straighten out a huge mess created by previous administrations that is too far. The ONE project he stopped was a boondoggle dead end stub to Madison.Proposed cost was huge and the proposed ticket price for me to take it( yes it would have stopped in my home town) was $45 one way for a trip that even at high speed would have taken 10 minutes longer than driving. My cost for driving myself and my wife is maybe $20. ( yes plus my share of road maintenance) He has said he is open to improving the route to Minneapolis, and up grading the Hiawatha. I love train travel, but the tax situation in this state was causing new business to ignore Wisconsin. This needed to be addressed. Thank you administrators for letting me vent. I promise not to post any more political stuff. (at least until i again can no longer stand silly vague statements about hating someone.I hate the current wisconsin governer, killing all the rail programs, and refusing to upgrade current ones.I'd just point out that at this point Wisconsin has not joined the bilevel coach order, so the Hiawatha will continue to use Amfleet/Horizon cars.
I dislike when political statements are made as well. I have noted that it can result in things being rejected, even when they would benefit the public good, That is why I did not like the turning of the Madison service extension into a political issue. The Governor took what was to be an improvement and upgrade to Chicago - Twin Cities service, and labeled it as a Madison - Milwaukee train. It hurt matters even more when the DOT named the project "Madison - Milwaukee," as that gave many people the impression that it was just those two stops. The project was no "dead end stub,' rather it was to include Madison on the route between Milwaukee and Minneapolis / St. Paul. The cost was so high in order to upgrade the tracks going in and out of Madison, as the tracks will not allow for speeds over 20 mph, and also go through a marsh. There was a lot of misunderstanding regarding this project, and those who supported it never had control of the publicity, nor did they think that, after having been in the works for the previous two decades, it would be turned into a political football. My sense is that the responsible citizens and policy makers who were in favor of this project lost control of the narrative very early on. This was probably because it had not been anticipated that a project that had been favorably and publicly evaluated, and whose need was obvious, over a period of half a generation, would suddenly be the target of a furious (if largely fact-free) assault. For example, the Madison project was mischaracterized as a "train to Milwaukee", whereas it's really multiple trains to and from Chicago. With a stop at Milwaukee (among other places). Even those who knew that there are already trains between MKE and CHI didn't seem to understand that the "train to Milwaukee" was simply an extension of that highly successful service, no one would have to change trains in Milwaukee, etc., etc. (The "future extension" to Chicago that one sometimes saw mentioned in the media coverage had to do with 110 mph operation over the route that would be covered by current 80 mph speeds until the upgrades.) Mods, feel free to delete this post if it is too political for you. /rant offOh for pete's sake. I like this forum, but really tire of uninformed political statements. I usually just ignore them, but when we say we hate someone for taking a difficult stand to straighten out a huge mess created by previous administrations that is too far. The ONE project he stopped was a boondoggle dead end stub to Madison.Proposed cost was huge and the proposed ticket price for me to take it( yes it would have stopped in my home town) was $45 one way for a trip that even at high speed would have taken 10 minutes longer than driving. My cost for driving myself and my wife is maybe $20. ( yes plus my share of road maintenance) He has said he is open to improving the route to Minneapolis, and up grading the Hiawatha. I love train travel, but the tax situation in this state was causing new business to ignore Wisconsin. This needed to be addressed. Thank you administrators for letting me vent. I promise not to post any more political stuff. (at least until i again can no longer stand silly vague statements about hating someone.I hate the current wisconsin governer, killing all the rail programs, and refusing to upgrade current ones.I'd just point out that at this point Wisconsin has not joined the bilevel coach order, so the Hiawatha will continue to use Amfleet/Horizon cars.
If he is open to upgrading the Hiawatha, why did he cancel the talgo order that would have freed his state from leasing passenger cars from Amtrak?Oh for pete's sake. I like this forum, but really tire of uninformed political statements. I usually just ignore them, but when we say we hate someone for taking a difficult stand to straighten out a huge mess created by previous administrations that is too far. The ONE project he stopped was a boondoggle dead end stub to Madison.Proposed cost was huge and the proposed ticket price for me to take it( yes it would have stopped in my home town) was $45 one way for a trip that even at high speed would have taken 10 minutes longer than driving. My cost for driving myself and my wife is maybe $20. ( yes plus my share of road maintenance) He has said he is open to improving the route to Minneapolis, and up grading the Hiawatha. I love train travel, but the tax situation in this state was causing new business to ignore Wisconsin. This needed to be addressed. Thank you administrators for letting me vent. I promise not to post any more political stuff. (at least until i again can no longer stand silly vague statements about hating someone.I hate the current wisconsin governer, killing all the rail programs, and refusing to upgrade current ones.I'd just point out that at this point Wisconsin has not joined the bilevel coach order, so the Hiawatha will continue to use Amfleet/Horizon cars.
Giving the devil his due :giggle: Walker didn't cancel the Talgo order, the legislature killed it against/over Walker's recommendation. Mind you, some would say that the legislature's opposition to the Talgo order was Walker merely losing control of the anti-rail, anti-Milwaukee-City-talk-radio-fueled Frankenstein's monster that Walker and his backers created, but it was notIf he is open to upgrading the Hiawatha, why did he cancel the talgo order that would have freed his state from leasing passenger cars from Amtrak?Oh for pete's sake. I like this forum, but really tire of uninformed political statements. I usually just ignore them, but when we say we hate someone for taking a difficult stand to straighten out a huge mess created by previous administrations that is too far. The ONE project he stopped was a boondoggle dead end stub to Madison.Proposed cost was huge and the proposed ticket price for me to take it( yes it would have stopped in my home town) was $45 one way for a trip that even at high speed would have taken 10 minutes longer than driving. My cost for driving myself and my wife is maybe $20. ( yes plus my share of road maintenance) He has said he is open to improving the route to Minneapolis, and up grading the Hiawatha. I love train travel, but the tax situation in this state was causing new business to ignore Wisconsin. This needed to be addressed. Thank you administrators for letting me vent. I promise not to post any more political stuff. (at least until i again can no longer stand silly vague statements about hating someone.I hate the current wisconsin governer, killing all the rail programs, and refusing to upgrade current ones.I'd just point out that at this point Wisconsin has not joined the bilevel coach order, so the Hiawatha will continue to use Amfleet/Horizon cars.
Is there anything confirmed yet that the Nippon-Sharyo order will even still happen, given the pending loss of federal stimulus funds? The states have indicated they are going ahead with the order, I believe, but that will require alternative funding. Regardless, we'll apparently see the new Chargers pulling Horizon cars for at least a couple years.Yes, at this point in time it would seem that the fleet is going to chargers and bilevels.
There is a statement in the June 7 minutes of the NGEC executive committee that there is a commitment to funding the entire 130 bi-level car order. Some of the funding for the N-S order is from California and some from FY2010 grants, neither of which are subject to the September, 2017 spending deadline, so there is safe funding for part of the order. Don't know if the FRA is shuffling funds between FY2010 and stimulus grants to cover it or if there are plans for other "solutions" to the stimulus deadline. See my June 13 post in the N-S bi-level thread for what we know. Which is the on-topic thread to discuss the latest with N-S if people want to get into it.Is there anything confirmed yet that the Nippon-Sharyo order will even still happen, given the pending loss of federal stimulus funds? The states have indicated they are going ahead with the order, I believe, but that will require alternative funding. Regardless, we'll apparently see the new Chargers pulling Horizon cars for at least a couple years.
That's just the post I was thinking of. Thanks.There is a statement in the June 7 minutes of the NGEC executive committee that there is a commitment to funding the entire 130 bi-level car order. Some of the funding for the N-S order is from California and some from FY2010 grants, neither of which are subject to the September, 2017 spending deadline, so there is safe funding for part of the order. Don't know if the FRA is shuffling funds between FY2010 and stimulus grants to cover it or if there are plans for other "solutions" to the stimulus deadline. See my June 13 post in the N-S bi-level thread for what we know. Which is the on-topic thread to discuss the latest with N-S if people want to get into it.Is there anything confirmed yet that the Nippon-Sharyo order will even still happen, given the pending loss of federal stimulus funds? The states have indicated they are going ahead with the order, I believe, but that will require alternative funding. Regardless, we'll apparently see the new Chargers pulling Horizon cars for at least a couple years.