Name That Station!

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Yes, its Fort Worth, TX. The platform canopies are the long silver things in the center. Fort Worth ITC is near those. The old Fort Worth Santa Fe station is also near there. Then the tall building around the corner is Texas & Pacific Station served by the Trinity Railway Express. T&P also use to serve the original MoPac Texas Eagle branch to El Paso.
I think I got it right when I said Fort Worth; that was the active station pic.
I agree with Johnny that he got it right. I think Kevin made a Wrong Turn somewhere!!


Go Johnny, GO!!
Enough with the wrong turns. You got a bunch of people posting pics while still guessing another one So I wanted to know. So now whos turn is it.
I think I got it right when I said Fort Worth; that was the active station pic.
I agree with Johnny that he got it right. I think Kevin made a Wrong Turn somewhere!!


Go Johnny, GO!!
Enough with the wrong turns. You got a bunch of people posting pics while still guessing another one So I wanted to know. So now whos turn is it.
Kevin, you made a wrong turn, just admit it. Everybody does it, just ask Penny.
Kevin, turn LEFT, I mean RIGHT, I mean.........

I'm butting in here. New rule for this photo. NO INTERNET SEARCHING! Old farts might remember this one. Dunno how long the cafe lasted, maybe when the station is open, they still operate the cafe.

I took this pix a "few years ago"

Don't worry about it!!! I have no clue where this is w/o searching the web, and so i'll leave it to someone who's been around much longer than I have to answer this, and they can post.
Alright, I think I know. My memory is a bit foggy, but I have been in Denver's station three times. Once in 1961 when I was an Air Force enlistee going to Lowry AFB in the 60's, once in the 80's on the CZ, and a third time on the CZ in the early 2000's. I'd swear that I saw this diner on at least one of the trips.
Alright, I think I know. My memory is a bit foggy, but I have been in Denver's station three times. Once in 1961 when I was an Air Force enlistee going to Lowry AFB in the 60's, once in the 80's on the CZ, and a third time on the CZ in the early 2000's. I'd swear that I saw this diner on at least one of the trips.
Dang! You nailed it! That was Denver in 1976. The station was not too well used, so I obviously had access to all areas, and plenty of time to kill, since the D&RG I was scheduled on was sliding out of the station as I entered...........

You're up!
Here is the station. It will be larger in the foreseeable future.


And a bonus --- this is not an Amtrak station but 14 Amtrak operated trains a day pass through it and it serves the same city.


I just like the look of the station and it is not an Amtrak stop.

Good luck.
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It is Burbank California. I believe that there are only 12 per day though
That is not fair, I was still editing it when you put the answer in!

The Coast Starlight passes through it so add two.

You are right, you are up.
I still don't understand how you got 14 Amtrak trains per day though. 5 PacSurfs each way + 1 CS each way.

Anyways, here is mine.
