How does Amtrak account for the revenue?
Ryan: That’s a good question. One would have to examine the accounting to know for sure.
I have been told by several knowledgeable folks that they use the meal tickets and count as revenue the amount the sleeper passenger would have paid. I don’t know if this is true but, as I pointed out above, this would be totally fallacious since if a passenger doesn’t eat or only eats a small amount, the revenue is less.
In that case the cost is less( less food consumed).
The true revenue is the portion of the sleeper fare which is attributed to the F&B. The sleeper passenger does not eat “free” but pays in advance for the food whether one eats or not.
The question remains, how does AMTRAK account for revenue?
Sorry, Ryan, I do not know and I’m not sure anyone not in the accounting department does.
One would think, however, that the revenue side would receive more attention since it does determine whether or not the costs are being covered.