New Gulf Coast service (New Orleans - Mobile and Baton Rouge)

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While the phonetic pronunciation of those letters could lead to some colorful assumptions, I think it's "French Quarter Fest".
I thought that every weekend night there was a fest. In a visit back before Katrina, I rode the 2:15 a.m. St. Charles trip from the Canal Street loop out to the carbarn and it was a memorable experience.
Amtrak's proposed schedule for the two daily round trips was posted on AU a while back, possibly two or three years or longer ago. Maybe not even this thread, though I doubt it. Does anyone remember where?
A Mobile TV station broadcast an NBC News feed that a contract(s) had been let for a storage track and platform. As a result, Amtrak announced that service would start this coming October. I sure hope that I don't have to admit "Shame me once, shame on you. Shame me twice, shame on me." :mad:

BTW, the two-train schedules were posted. Sorry, but I don't have them right now.
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If the Mobile City Council rejects this agreement, does that mean that the entire project will have been derailed at the 1-yard line, or will there be an alternative way forward if such a scenario happens? After all, Mississippi communities with stops along the route have already poured millions of dollars into upgrading their stations, expecting that this service will eventually happen. Those communities would certainly feel ripped off if Mobile decides to not fund this project, and there are never any efforts to work out a plan "B" for a long-term funding solution to ongoing operating costs.
This is the sort of whiny idiocy that really burns me:

From the text of the WALA report: "District 5 Councilman Joel Daves, who for years has been the council’s leading critic of subsidizing Amtrak, pounded the table in complaining that the train supporters are asking the “poor little city of Mobile” to fund a project that mostly would benefit the Port of Mobile and the states of Mississippi and Louisiana."

Does this dolt not know what benefits the port of Mobile benefits the city of Mobile? Mobile is not a "poor little city". The truth is that for years the city has made out like a bandit off state support for the port, which has led to considerable ocean going trade passing through the port. For many years Mobile has simply sat back and let the state pour money into the port facilities to the benefit of the city. Simple: For ocean going trade into the state of Alabama, Mobile is the only game in town.

The Port has always been against it and likely owns the District 5 Councilman.

Multi-state 403b trains all failed rather quickly, been the case since 1972, the state in the middle often being the culprit if allowed to be, though New Hampshire pays nothing for Downeaster service even though Exeter is the busiest intermediate stops. Most PRIIA-209 and ConnectUS will remain stillborn.

The Borealis is an exception, though it merely replaced a Hiawatha frequency and extended it while Illinois is paying for part of it even though they get no additional CHI-MIL frequencies out of it.
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I suppose a Plan B could be terminate the train in Pascagoula, MS, about 30 miles west of Mobile. There is even a short passing siding just beyond the historic station. At one time The L&N had a local from New Orleans stopping at Ocean Springs about 15 miles short of Pascagoula.

It sounds like all MS cities Are ready for Amtrak. Of course failure to reach Mobile may well jeopardize the infrastructure money CSX and the Port want which would likely kill the project.

But I have to agree this should be a state supported project and not funded by a single city. Maybe Alabama’s governor will listen to the support now coming from CSX and the Port, if not from her constituents. It’s ‘free’ infrastructure money!💰

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