Those are some good suggestions guys, but I think I'd rather have the roomette during the night and the coach/lounge seat during the day. Apparently Amtrak has heard of folks like me and prices their accommodations accordingly. D'oh! :angry2: As for the meals you need to remember I'm just not that big of a fan. It's just not fresh enough for me I guess. I really only need maybe one full meal to cover all the calories I'll require while sitting on my rear end all day.

If you see me in the diner for breakfast it's probably because I skipped the previous dinner. If you see me there for lunch I probably skipped that morning's breakfast. Obviously I'm among a tiny minority of AU folks with my rather negative view of Amtrak's food service, but it has lasted for many years now and I don't see it changing anytime soon. Amtrak's food has never made me sick though, so at least it has
that going for it.