Good to see saxman's post as he is an airline pilot! When I was a Student Pilot (back in Bi-Wing Days, I'm Old! :giggle: )my Instructor stressed that you didn't want to be "Low and Slow" on Approach to Landing, which is the obvious case here! The Airplane Companies (Cessna, Piper etc.) were actually running ads that said such untrue things as "Drive 'em up and Drive 'em down!" and "If you can Drive a Car you can Fly a Plane!"
Ny old instructor (ex- USAF) also liked to say that "there's Old Pilots, and there's Bold Pilots but there's No Old Bold Pilots!"
Anderson Cooper had an interesting piece on the crash last night where they showed actual footage of the crash and a reporter rode in a 777 Simulator with an Airline Pilot while they simulated the Approach to SFO, first the way it was supposed to be done and the Landing was a Greaser! ( the desired result on every Landing!
) The second was flown like the crashed 777 and of course they hit the Sea Wall and Crashed! All things considered, the crew and passengers on this ill fated flight were lucky that lots more serious injuries didnt occur and that more lives weren't lost! (RIP to the deceased!) Of course the NTSB Report will be the Bible on this, but it's obvious that Pilot Error, Failure to Maintain Safe Control of the Airplane, is the Cause of this Crash!
The Airline Pilot "Flying": the Simulator also pointed out most Airline Pilots like to Hand Fly the Approach to Landing in VFR (Clear Skies)Conditions to maintain Proficiency , but that the Auto Pilot can actually Land the Plane as Good as or Better than an actual Pilot!