Round trip Chicago to Kansas City on 319 and 318.

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Aug 27, 2002
The boarding process in the station was well organized. They allowed anyone who couldn't walk far to wait in the old metropolitan lounge. I now fit this category for a few reasons.

The conductors grouped passengers by destination. I asked to sit in a venture car which was in front of the horizon coach I was directed to sit in. The conductor said he didn't care. It would be my fault if I missed my stop. Kansas City is the last stop so I don't think I'll miss my stop.

I noticed a venture business class car in the consist. I'll try to sit in that one tomorrow. Unless it is actually designated as business class.
In St Louis now. I think I'm the only passenger going the distance. I overheard one of the Chicago crew members telling the new crew about me. They didn't seem too worried. The new guy pointed out I would not miss the last stop.

The guy who originally told me I could not sit in the venture cars saw me an hour or so out of Chicago. He warned me the new crew “might tell me to move”. I told him I would follow instructions. I think he's the one who commented on me to the new crew.
The ride across Missouri is great. Plenty of scenery. The train follows the Missouri River. I'll be in that side tomorrow. There was poor cell service for most of the trip. One par but still no service. I was able to have one conversation.

They used one of the doors on the rear cars because they let off right by the elevator.
I got to the station about 8:15. There was already a line. The conductor on the platform recognized me from yesterday and said welcome back. I asked to sit in venture cars. He said no problem.

I snagged a single seat in the venture business class car. It's being used as a coach. The single seats are right next to the window which is a huge improvement over the single seats on the older bc cars.


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No announcement was made. Other passengers could see emergency vehicles. An announcement was made that there is police and fire activity ahead. We should be on the move. I'm not using a scanner because I do not want to disturb other passengers.
Maybe other passengers are curious about what's going on, too?

Do you have a Garmin or GPS? It doesn't need cell.
We departed St Louis after 306. We are about 15 minutes behind. We met 21 before Alton. 305 waited for 306 and 318 just north of Lincoln. No freights. Of coursdcse have to make it through the junctions between Joliet and Chicago.

The LSA has done a fine job. A long day for him. Surprisingly, when I went back for dinner there was a good selection when I went. He told some passengers he would get more food at Bloomington. Apparently, 305 dropped off the supplies.