A few years back, I was on a long distance train running very late and when it was clear connecting passengers would miss connections, the conductor met with groups of passengers. Some of us connecting to the Capitol Limited were rebooked on the next day's train whereas others were booked on the Lakeshore Limited if that worked for them. Those of us that were rebooked were instructed to go the customer service in Chicago to get hotel, taxi and food vouchers. This was not during the holidays and I was fortunate to get a room on the next day's Capitol Limited (and Silver Meteor the day after). It is unlikely that Amtrak will hold the Captiol Limited more than a few minutes, but I have seen it done.Do you think there is any chance they will hold the Capitol Limited if there are many trying to make this connection? Or would they put the affected passengers on a bus to try to "catch up" with the Capitol Limited? Do you think my son should be trying to rebook to the Friday Capitol limited now or wait until he gets to Chicago? Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome. He is coming home to Maryland for Christmas and having an Amtrak adventure. By the way, he paid for a roomette but would probably settle for coach if he had to.
If I had been proactive and tried to book myself, I may have had to pay extra for a reservation change.
Good luck to your son.