Since Amtrak's route to St Paul doesn't go through Aurora, IL, they can't call it "Aurora Borealis". If they called it "Twin Cities Borealis", that might offend Wisconsin, who is partly paying for it, and also implies the train goes to Minneapolis.
Wonder if they will place a Cabbage-40 on one end of it, not that Chicago has a good record in keeping their 5 on the road.
Best that Amtrak keep this in a neutral zone since the MSP-CHI route will cover 3 states Illinois Wisconsin
and Minnesota.
The Hiawatha exists between Chicago and Milwaukee and could be extended to the Green Bay area -OR-
to the Twin Cities which in my opinion would be the best selection since it is part of the original route.
Naming train names is bad enough with Minnesota recently redoing the state flag and its issues.
The Duluth service could best use the Northern Lights Express name since the North Star is already is in use
with the Minneapolis Big Lake commuter line which should have gone to St. Cloud in its inception.
AND then there is the issue of which Depot Boarding Point to use - not so great Target Field and the issue
of restoring the old Midway Depot site which is used as a storage yard for grain cars and the Commercial
Rail operation headquarters - lastly SPUD (St. Paul Union Depot) which can handle two trains (2 tracks) at
a time but is near an extremely high traffic point the Division Street WYE with some 50-60 trains of various
lengths transit daily.
Naming trains will be a small issue compared to where to locate a common Depot to integrate the
planned trains. There are 3 routes the Short line used presently by Amtrak - and then the 2 Midway
routes used by CP UP BNSF and others --- between the ends of the line Target and SPUD.
Having one depot and a common connection point should be the goal - if not establish some form
of *rapid* transit between the points other than existing light rail bus Uber Lyft cab taxi.