May operating stats are out.
6.6 thousand passengers
0.3 million gross ticket revenue
0.6 million operating revnue
0.5 million operating expense
0.1 million adjusted operating earnings ($100k)
The "earnings" numbers on these monthly reports are to be taken with a big grain of salt, and this is just the first 11 days. But it's still good to see.
1.3 million revenue passenger miles
2.6 million available seat miles
50.0% load factor which compares positively with most state-supported routes
The MIlwaukee-Chicago segment is about 20% of the entire MSP-CHI run and we know that tends to be fuller than upline. If we make an assumption on how full the MKE-CHI segment was on Borealis, we can use math to back into the average load factor upline of MIlwaukee.
If CHI-MKE was 100% full, then upline would be 36.8% full to achieve an overall 50% load factor
If CHI-MKE was 90% full, then upline would be 39.4% full to achieve an overall 50% load factor
If CHI-MKE was 85% full, then upline would be 40.8% full to achieve an overall 50% load factor
If CHI-MKE was 80% full, then upline would be 42.0% full to achieve an overall 50% load factor
If CHI-MKE was 75% full, then upline would be 43.4% full to achieve an overall 50% load factor
If CHI-MKE was 70% full, then upline would be 44.7% full to achieve an overall 50% load factor
If CHI-MKE was 65% full, then upline would be 46.0% full to achieve an overall 50% load factor
If CHI-MKE was 60% full, then upline would be 47.4% full to achieve an overall 50% load factor
So it seems likely that upline of MKE that Borealis ran somewhere in the low 40% overall.
This is just the first 11 days so it is obviously way too early to draw even preliminary conclusions. But it's still really interesting to me at this early stage, and good to see that solid loads were experienced.