I think PRR60 shows that the parking issue has relatively little to do with it. I'd generally agree - while I'm sure a few customers have either decided to get on at St. Cloud or Red Wing because of the free parking, it's unlikely to be the cause of a major ridership drop. Parking in the far lot at SPUD is $6/day weekdays, $4/day weekends. For city parking that's pretty reasonable.When I stopped in for a look-see in June 2014 an Amtrak ticket agent said he hated the new station because of the "parking", which I assume in a big city means you have to pay dearly for it. Could that have driven away some customers?
Yes. And their source is http://miprc.org/Portals/7/pdfs/MINNESOTA06.pdf. . . does those figures include both loadings and unloading's ?
In Chicago, we add an 's to everything!The name of the restaurant really was (and is, in the other two locations) Christos, not Christo's. It does look foreign to American eyes, probably because it is foreign. If it were possessive (it's not), in English it would be Christos', and in Greek it would be Christou.
Who knows, this might be on the test.