It seems that in Ohio, Amtrak may be breaking the state law.
Section 4965.50 | Rates of passenger fare.
Ohio Revised Code
Title 49 Public Utilities
Chapter 4965 Passenger Fares
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
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A company operating a railroad in whole or in part in this state may demand and receive for the transportation of passengers on its railroad, a fare not exceeding three cents per mile, for a distance of more than five miles, but the fare shall always be made that multiple of five nearest reached by multiplying the rate by the distance.
Thus, the max fare they can charge between Toledo and Cleveland is $3.48.
It is a distance of 116 mi * 0.03 cents per mile.
Does anyone else know of any other odd laws related to trains in their state?

Section 4965.50 | Rates of passenger fare.
Ohio Revised Code
Title 49 Public Utilities
Chapter 4965 Passenger Fares
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Download Authenticated PDF
A company operating a railroad in whole or in part in this state may demand and receive for the transportation of passengers on its railroad, a fare not exceeding three cents per mile, for a distance of more than five miles, but the fare shall always be made that multiple of five nearest reached by multiplying the rate by the distance.
Thus, the max fare they can charge between Toledo and Cleveland is $3.48.
It is a distance of 116 mi * 0.03 cents per mile.
Does anyone else know of any other odd laws related to trains in their state?