Superliner Transition Sleeper question

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Train Attendant
Jul 7, 2017
Have a carry on luggage question regarding the Transition Sleeper that no one at Amtrak has been able to answer...

Leaving on Train 5 in a few days (CHI-SLC) and Amtrak changed our room from a normal sleeper into the transition sleeper. That is what it is, but the only time we traveled on a transition sleeper was several years back when half the family got switched to a roomette there due to a mechanical issue with their original roomette. That posed no issue since we still had the one roomette and our bags stayed put.

So - my wife has some bags that she can't check (medical equipment) and obviously the roomette has no room for them. Does anyone know what, if any, place exists on the transition sleeper for revenue passenger bags, or is it just crew space? I'll probably just check any bag I might normally bring on board have to avoid the issue. Thanks...
I don't think the lower level of Trans Sleeper is open to passengers. They don't board through it. Most likely you would board through the adjacent sleeper and could use the lower storage there. This time of year the sleeepers are on the rear, so you may board through a coach as the Trans Sleeper is at head end.
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It depend. (Famous last words for Amtrak! :giggle: )

Some trans-dorms have an H-Room on the lower level (so they obviously would load there) while others have rest rooms there. But I do not remember if there is a luggage rack also.

In any case, you can always use the luggage rack in the "regular" sleeper for storage.
In my experiences the lower level luggage rack and restrooms are open to passengers in the dorm. Also, I don't think I can remember a single time where I was not boarded through the transition dorm's lower level (Ive been in a dorm at least a dozen times over the years.)

I usually board / detrain at end points or major stops when taking a sleeper, so that could have something to do with it.
I've done two trips in the transition including on the CZ. We had full access to the downstairs except for the break room where there was usually a conductor. There were typical Superline luggage racks downstairs to use. On the CZ I got into my bags many times at all hours without issue. For what it's worth, both times we also boarded/deboarded through the door in the transition sleeper. I wouldn't worry about it.
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Everytime I've been in the Transdorm ( probably 100 trips) I've been able to access the downstairs part of the car.

The Conductors use the big room downstairs for a office (as others have posted, there are a couple of types of Transdorms with a few differences in the downstairs floor plan.)

I've always been able to store my large bag downstairs either in the Luggage rack or inside the Conductors Room/Lounge,or even the old unused Conductors office located by the upstairs entrance door to car.

You can also use the Restrooms and Shower located there if needed. ( most Transdorms have 2 Shower/Restroom Combos located Upstairs with the one by the Stairs reserved for the Crew).

Relax and enjoy the trip!
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Good information, thanks to all for your replies, it makes life simpler!
I've always been able to store my large bag downstairs either in the Luggage rack or inside the Conductors Room/Lounge,or even the old unused Conductors office located by the upstairs entrance door to car.
If I remember correctly, I do not think that was the conductors office but the office of the former position of OBS Chief.
The 40 sleeper was boarding from its door at the head of the train on 3rd. There was a luggage rack like on the full sleepers. Major difference is the walk to the Dining Car.
The 40 sleeper was boarding from its door at the head of the train on 3rd. There was a luggage rack like on the full sleepers. Major difference is the walk to the Dining Car.
OK, that's good to know. Thanks!
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