Yes, Roomette #1 is always the assigned Room for SCAs on the Superliner Sleepers! Since Storage Space is at a Premium on Rail Cars, they have to store their supplies etc. wherever they can! Occasionaly, when there are empty Rooms you will see OBS in Bedroom A or the H or Family Room, but they dont sleep there, just use it for storage etc. Since the Call Board for the SCA is in Room #1 they Do Not Sleep in the Transdorm! All the other OBS do have their Roomettes (Nop Bedrooms in the transdorm) their, and the Conductors office is downstairs in the Staff "Lounge", but most Conductors hang out in the Cafe/Lounge or the Diner Car!!A propos this discussion, do SCA's normally sleep in the transition dorm? On a superliner sleeper, is rommette #1 (which is reserved for the SCA) empty at night? I usually see them crammed with supplies, towels, boxes, etc.
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