Thanks for sharing your trip! My Amtrak fever is coming back, I'm ready for Oct and the Gathering!!!!
Glad you made it home,it is a shame that the Bean Counters have reduced the City of New Orleans to a glorified Greyhound ride with Greasy Spoon food! ( remember the Post House Cafes back in the day?)
Once upon a time the Panama Ltd. ran from CHI-NOL and the Kings Dinner was even better than the Diner on the Super Chief or any of the other crack trains!
I know you don't need any help planning the voucher trip(s) but have you considered going East, maybe the LSL to NYP, the Adirondack to Ft. Kent, Ferry across the Lake to Burlington and the Vermonter back to NYP, then maybe the Cardinal back to CHI?
You could also do the Adirondack to Montreal, VIA to Toronto and to Windsor,( PAID) then the Wolverine to CHI from Detroit or the Maple Leaf to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and the LSL back to CHI town!( you probably have already!)
So many choices, so little time!