Trains from BWI

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Train Attendant
Sep 27, 2014
Pueblo, Colorado
I plan on taking a railfan trip in March. I am flying into BWI and taking the CL out of WAS. I have found that there is a shuttle that runs between BWI airport and rail station. Does anyone have experience taking a train from BWI who can speak to how the signage is to find the pickup point?
I would check with the shuttle company in question as to where their pickup point is precisely. Ironically I was just at BWI a couple of days ago, though I stayed at a hotel and used their pickup. There are several doors by the baggage carousels that are at street level and I found the signage to be very easy to follow. But again I'd check with the shuttle company to make certain where the pickup point is.
Just look for the Amtrak/MARC shuttle signs once you're on the baggage claim level. It stops outside a couple of the doors on that level. It's marked very well and runs frequently.
Last time I was at BWI the Amtrak/MARC shuttles where run just like the various parking lot shuttles, probably one every 5 or 10 minutes. Just claim your bags, walk out, and look for the stops (there are several there) and then get on the correct shuttle bus.
What the above folks said.

They're no different looking than the parking shuttles. (just don't get on the wrong ones :)

One note, if you get in really late, MARC trains will have stopped running as will possibly Amtrak trains.

It's quite possible to get a cab from the BWI train station to Union Station. Do NOT accept the first offer. The 1 (or 2?) times I did it, we got it from like $40+/person to I think $20/person.

For the record I did the reverse (train->airport almost every weekend for 3+ years and often in the direction you're doing it.)
Thank you for all of your replies. I feel a lot more certain as to what to expect when I land at BWI and start looking for the MARC/Amtrak shuttle.
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