Trip Questions

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Hi All...New to this forum, and first time Amtrak trip booked for June 25 , From Tampa,Fl to Syr.NY. Taking my 3 yr old grand daughter too...So I have many questions and have been scouring this site,Amtrak and YouTube in order to educate myself abit on what to expect.. Here is my first of probably many questions....Hopefully some of you experienced travelers can give some insight... Here goes: Since we will be changing from the Silver Meteor at Penn Station to the Empire Service, on to Syracuse, I'm wondering once getting off the Meteor and trying to locate the the departing gate for the Empire Service; can anyone tell me if that is a long hike from one gate to the next? I have to decide whether to bring a stroller or not...The thought of getting tangled up in heavy crowds at Penn Station concerns me with the little one and so if alot of walking is involved would feel more confident with her secured in the stroller. However if it is just a short walk, then I have no concerns and would be happy not to have the extra burden of that stroller. Also if the stroller is needed, would that be considered as the second carryon?
My suggestion would be to use the red cap service and they would take you back and forth from the trains to the station eliminating needing the stroller.
Oh great idea! See, I knew you folks with the experience would have the answers! Thanks. Okay, now another question would be; I'm bringing an appropriate sized suitcase, and a dufflebag...That counts as my two bags...Would a laptop bag be counted as an additional bag? Or would it be viewed as like a purse? And is there room under the seats(like on a plane), to store the duffle bag? I will be bring drinks,snacks and plenty of activities for the little one and hope that I can gain easy access to them..
Number of bags, in my experience, has never been a problem as long as its not outrageous like someone trying to move an entire house worth of stuff. The general rule of thumb on my Amtrak trips has been, if you can carry it on yourself, you can carry it on. There is almost zero probability someone will take objection to a laptop bag in addition to duffle bag
And there's plenty of room (much more so than in a plane) above the seats. And it's not enclosed making easy access.
Awesome! Thanks. And is it relatively safe to, say, have bags under seat, laptop out, and then walk up to the cafe car or restroom without items being bothered? Or should all items be stowed before doing such things...Just thinking when she's gotta pee she's gotta go!
I don't think there's much theft on trains, but when we've traveled, we don't leave our electronics out. IDK about something the size of a laptop, but I wouldn't leave smaller electronics (camera, gps, tablet, etc.) in view while I was gone. They'd probably be fine, but I wouldn't tempt anyone who tends to have sticky fingers. JMO Enjoy your trip and let us know how it goes.
While the Redcap is an excellent suggestion and I highly recommend it; the gates at Penn Station are close together. This is not like an airport with gates far apart. In NY all 21 gates, and Amtrak doesn't use all of them, are within basically a blocks walk.

And while you didn't mention if you were in a sleeper, if you are, then you can also wait in the Club Acela First Class lounge for your connecting train.
Are you in a sleeper? If so, you can use and wait in the Club Acela (CA) in Penn Station. I can also tell you the train to from Syracuse will depart/arrive on tracks 5, 6, 7 or 8 - which is right by the CA. The track for the train to/from FL changes (due to other train traffic) but is on tracks 9-14. And I also second the idea of using a Red Cap at NYP. Ask for one prior to your train arrives at NYP, so they will be waiting for you.

The stroller is not counted towards your carry on limit. There are many exclusions, including items like strollers, car seats, purses, coats, pillows, etc...
Thanks to all.... No, will not have a roomette, riding coach. Being a firstime rider, had no idea what to expect...Just after checking all my options, it seemed to make the most sense to be able to travel in a comfortable environment where the young one can get up walk around, check out different areas and stretch her legs. Grandma get that too as well as comfort, in not having to stop every two hours to pee, nap when tired and enjoy time with the little one. Grandma's vacation will begin as soon as my tootisies hit the first steps of the bus towards Orlando! :)
I prefer coach, what you may want to do is make sure that you put your little one by the window at night so that you can sleep. Put the leg rest up on both sides, she should be able to almost lay down in her seat with the leg rest up. With your leg rest up, she would have to climb over you to get out, best way to keep track of her when you want to sleep.

Also, most of the time there are friendly people around that will watch your stuff, be aware of your surroundings while on the train, but don't be afraid, I have had no trouble leaving my laptop out, I ask those around me to watch my stuff, if I am gone for anything more than a potty break I put it away in my bag.

Make sure you pack a pillow and blanket for your granddaughter and one for you too. It will be good for naps and for night-time. When you are not using the blankets, they give you added padding on the seats. As a grandmother myself, I can always use more padding when sitting for so long.
Thanks again regarding the gates at Penn Station and the stroller issue. I have another question regarding the lounge car or Cafe car; are there both on the Silver Meteor? What is proper etiquette for using either ? And is this train pretty well occupied all the time, or are there alot of empty seats? And finally; once on the train how are we seated? First come first served or assigned?
The Silver Meteor has one car that may be called a cafe car by some and a lounge car by others. In my opinion, it is more of a cafe car. It has booth type seating on each end with a "snack bar/cafe" in the center. One end of the car will open to a vestibule leading to the coach cars and the other end will open up to the dining car.

Unlike the sightseer lounges in the west, in my experience, the cafe car is not usually completely full. However, members of the crew routinely sit on the side closest to the dining car and take up some space. It is first come first served seating and you may or may not get a table all to yourself. I have seen families take up an entire table playing cards for hours (which seems a bit inconsiderate if others are waiting). I sometimes go to the lounge car and have a beer. I have no problem with sitting at table that is already occupied by one person (after asking if it is ok to join him or her).

I have traveled on the Silver Meteor more times than I have traveled on any other train and am happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

BTW - we enjoyed "chatting" with you last night. :)
once on the train how are we seated? First come first served or assigned?
It depends. At some stations they assign seats as you board, while at others you can take any available seat (does not have a seat check above the seat. They also "save" seats that are marked "Reserved for groups of 2 or more". On the train to/from FL, if you have any questions, just ask the coach attendant for assistance. On your return trip, since the train starts in NYP you will have no problems finding a seat, especially if you use a Red Cap as suggested.
The train to/from SYR out of NYP will not have a coach attendant. Just take any available seat that does not have a seat check above it. If by chance you do not find 2 open seats side by side for you two, ask one of the Conductors for assistance.

One more bit of advice for the train between NYP and SYR. Get a seat on the left side of the train out of NYP, and on the right side of the train out of SYR, for the best views of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers! At times, you will be within feet of the rivers.
And finally; once on the train how are we seated? First come first served or assigned?
When I responded previously, I read your question wrong and thought you were referring to the cafe/lounge seats. I will try to do better this time. Almost every time I have taken the Silver Meteor in coach, the coach attendant will assign seats. If there are a lot of people boarding in Orlando (which is the usual case), they will board passengers by destination (i.e. all the passengers going to WAS and North in one line; those going to GA, SC, NC, VA in another line; those traveling within Florida in another line - or something similar). The attendant does their best to seat traveling partners together. I cannot imagine that any attendant would try to separate you and your 3 year old granddaughter. About 5-10 minutes before the Meteor is expected to arrive in Orlando, an agent will announce that all passengers should go outside and will give instructions as to where to stand. Most likely the sleeper passengers will board close to the door to the station. The coach passengers likely will board to the south (towards the rear of the train) and to the left as you exit the station.
Thanks to you all...and I certainly appreciate all the tips and info...I am so looking forward to this trip. I usually take on a new adventure solo, but events of the past couple of years has somewhat changed my ability to do so;(situation with the grandchild). So now she will learn to be crazy like her grandma, Ha!.. We are heading to Syracuse area to visit family that lives in Weedsport. Big annual family reunion. After reviewing my options, determined that the train made the most sense....I've always wanted to do this, and now seemed like the perfect opportunity. So, the journey is going to be an awesome experience for both of us regardless of any issues...just gonna roll with the punches, but wanted to have some kind of idea of what to expect. I'm sure that I will have a few more questions before the big day... Oh this week is going to be a long one for sure... And yes, I did enjoy chatting with you last night as well. From what I am learning, perhaps I will sell my RV and use some of the money for more train travels.....Stay tuned!
I forget if you have done so or not, but please consider joining Amtrak Guest Rewards (AGR) before your trip. You'll earn points that can be used for (among other things) free Amtrak travel. And also consider getting the AGR MasterCard from Chase. The use it for as much as you can. You also earn AGR points for everyday purchases.

I use mine basically for luxeries like food and gas, but if I was going to pay cash for something, I use this credit card. I also pay the bills I can (like internet, cable, etc...) on the card. And I earn enough points for a free trip on Amtrak every year! (The important thing is to pay the card in full each month.)

And three more great things about the credit card are there is no annual fee, your points never expire as long as you have the card and you also receive a 5% rebate on points when you redeem an award!

Also, please consider joining Amtrak Unlimited as a member. It's free.
Yes indeed, I will do all of the above...I'm quite certain, even at this point, that this will just be my maiden voyage.... Thanks....
Getting excited...and thanks for info last night on the "Chat". So, here we are 24 hours prior to.....Am I supposed to call Amtrak for any reason? I did check for changes etc., and saw that there may or might have been some delays heading north...but I think that was for yesterday.......Any last minute tips would be greatly appreciated...
No reason to call Amtrak. Yesterday it was due to track work, but that was only for the weekend. Tomorrow should be fine. Just to let you kno that this week in upstate NY it will be in the upper 80's and low 90's and humid - in other words Florida weather! ;) I think you're used to it!

I hope you two enjoy your trip!
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You don't need to "check-in" like you do with flights. You just show up at the station with your boarding passes, and the conductor will take them as you board. :)

I've never had an issue leaving my laptop at my seat. I set it on the floor and cover it with my jacket or blanket or something. I always take my purse with me, though.
Alllllllllrighty then. Looks like we're ready to hit the tracks! I know there will be little sleeping here tonight. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels . Just can't keep focused on things I need to get done today. HURRY UP TOMORROW! Thanks for all the help and suggestions. Min
Min, your excitement is contagious. I am so happy for you and your granddaughter. I am still hoping to stop by the station on my way to Target tomorrow afternoon. If you see a 5'2" middle-aged woman, wearing all black, with glasses, no suitcase and wearing a non-age appropriate hair style, then wave. I will look for a woman and a child. Most likely in the Orlando station, there will be a lot more women with children than women that look like I do. :giggle:
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