Trip Questions

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Maybe she was having trouble rolling her bags across the gap. I had that problem in WIL when I was getting in the NER to WAS for my first LD trip in 2011.
She has A LOT of bags and a 3 year old with A LOT of energy. There were steps when she boarded the Meteor in Orlando. The attendant helped her with the bags when she boarded.
Maybe, but she said "hard time getting down the steps onto the platform" and that another passenger helped her "down the steps". Thus we are confused. (A gap can't be confused with going down the steps.)
Well, after a long trip with a 3 yr old, one's mind could be mixing up info. She may have been thinking about the steps in ORL though she did not use them in NYP (they're still in the same spot on the train, you know ;) ).

I'm sure she'll be back to clarify things.
Geez you guys! Lol.... I may be extremely tired, but seemed like steps down within the train itself,and that very scared gap. Really that gap, scared the crap out of me because my hands were not free to help her across. We are pulling out of Rome, NY, now and she just got her little arm stuck between the wall and arm of the seat. I had to have another passenger help to get her out. Panic was about to set in. Next stop, Syracuse! A beer and early bed for us, we'll me anyways... Thanks all...
Just for clarification Min. At high platforms the steps are covered by a steel plate so that the train's floor is level with the platform, but you still have that gap.

I hope you get a good nights rest, after your beer. You deserve it. :)
Next stop, Syracuse! A beer and early bed for us, we'll me anyways... Thanks all...
A woman after my own heart!! You deserve more than one beer!!! Hopefully all will go well in Syracuse. :)
Hello everyone....Sorry to be so long in getting the update.... Dispite the few snags; I completely enjoyed the journey north. And yes, the steps were covered at the last stop in Syracuse, making it so much earier to navigate. :) Had a very lovely ride from Penn Station to to Syracuse.....Going to try to do the return trip with less baggage! More on the flip side...
I hope you enjoy your family reunion. Let me know if you will be in Orlando on the way home (and when).
Hi All. Our family reunion was wonderful....all went well, got to see family and a few dear friends. However, today, as I was bragging to those who would listen, about my great adventure, and how I now have a burning desire to do more train trips; I logged onto the amtrack website to find an advisory! Oh Geez! I'm sure you all have heard about the CXS train derailment, along the Empire Service line somewhere between Syracuse and Albany. The advisory was that those traveling west of Albany would need to be bussed to points beyond Albany, or I would imagine for me , from Syracuse to Penn Station? I called the 800 # and the person I spoke with suggested that it should be fixed before my departure date of 7/1; to return back to Florida. Has anyone here experienced this situation before, and just looking for more info on this situation...Anyone got any current info on this situation? Thanks, Min
The Amtrak website has a post that the Lake Shore Limited will start running thru the area again starting tomorrow. You will be fine.
I believe she will be taking Empire Service. Hopefully, that will be running also.
Trains are supposed to be running again tomorrow, you should be fine.
The Amtrak website has a post that the Lake Shore Limited will start running thru the area again starting tomorrow. You will be fine.
The Amtrak website has a post that the Lake Shore Limited will start running thru the area again starting tomorrow. You will be fine.
I believe she will be taking Empire Service. Hopefully, that will be running also.
The Amtrak website has a post that the Lake Shore Limited will start running thru the area again starting tomorrow. You will be fine.
I believe she will be taking Empire Service. Hopefully, that will be running also.
Even if Min is taking the Empire Service, it operates on the same trackage as the LSL. So if one is operating, so is all the others on that track.
Another example is that if there was a derailment between ORL and WPK and they repaired the tracks. They allow the Silver Meteor to operate. Would they not let the Silver Star to operate also? :huh:
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Even if Min is taking the Empire Service, it operates on the same trackage as the LSL. So if one is operating, so is all the others on that track.
Another example is that if there was a derailment between ORL and WPK and they repaired the tracks. They allow the Silver Meteor to operate. Would they not let the Silver Star to operate also? :huh:
Sorry Dave, but not a good example at all. In fact today they're letting the LSL go through because of the special cars, read diners & sleepers, but not allowing the more commuter like trains that represent the Empire Service through to keep traffic down in the affected area.

Now if Amtrak were operating a second LD on the LSL route and they didn't run that through, then your comparison would be applicable.

That said; I too also believe that come Monday most, if not all, of the Empire Service trains will be operating.
Hi people! Well, we ended up riding busses from Syracuse to Albany. Apparently contracted these busses last minute, because none of the drivers could let us know anything about the Albany station; when we arrived there, they did not even know where to take us. Very confusing situation. We are currently heading to Penn Station on #280. No food on this train, happy to have packed snacks! The water is extremely high along the way here. Maybe wet ground had something to do with track problems? I made sure to ask for help with bags at PS. More news as it developes.
Well.....Returned to home turf....All is welll...I loved the trip, dispite the problems with the Empire Service; I guess, act of God....Other delays, perhaps the same, that is why I have to say, it was a wonderful journey....and looking forward to doing it again soon....And I am sure that I will have a million questions... Thank you all for your and responses...especially to Penny...You are one awesome gal.....! I certainly would like to get together some time to further discuss train adventures etc..................Until the next great experience........All the best...Min
Well.....Returned to home turf....All is welll...I loved the trip, dispite the problems with the Empire Service; I guess, act of God....Other delays, perhaps the same, that is why I have to say, it was a wonderful journey....and looking forward to doing it again soon....And I am sure that I will have a million questions... Thank you all for your and responses...especially to Penny...You are one awesome gal.....! I certainly would like to get together some time to further discuss train adventures etc..................Until the next great experience........All the best...Min

Glad you enjoyed your trip. Those of us that have met Penny Agree with your assessment of her.
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