Until Congress actually votes on a budget resolution, appropriations bill, or continuing resolution, we do not know whether they want to cut, increase, or maintain Amtrak's funding.
But we do have the Heritage budget out in public and isn't the AU's job to overreact to all Amtrak news?
Do you really believe that whatever "we" figure out at AU will have any bearing on what actually happens, specially as far as operational details are concerned? AFAICT it is Congress and Amtrak that will do most of the actual figuring out and we will just be able to protest some.
And you wonder why I want privately funded rail so we don't have to deal with this crap.
If I were Wick and I spoke before Congress, I'd say Houston and its over 6 million people would lose intercity train service, Atlanta and its over 5 million people would lose intercity train service, etc. Meanwhile, the entire states of Montana and North Dakota have less than two million people combined, less than Houston, Atlanta, Denver, and Cincinnati who also would lose Amtrak as well. And that two million assumes everyone in Montana and North Dakota is served by Amtrak. According to the NARP state stats (
https://www.narprail.org/site/assets/files/1038/states-1.pdf), only 11% of Montana residents within 50 miles of an Amtrak station and only 7% within 25 miles while only 32% of North Dakota is within 50 miles (24% within 25 miles) so imagine how many residents in those states would actually lose Amtrak. I'd imagine most if not all of the Houston area is within 50 miles of the Amtrak station there. Puts numbers in front of them and see how loud they speak. Just because Houston, Atlanta, and Denver have airports and highways doesn't mean they don't need trains (what if you are afraid to fly and/or don't have a car?). If you really care more about Rugby, ND than Miami, then don't just talk about the rural areas, put numbers in front of them. If there are 10 million people who would lose their only transportation option, put that 10 million in front of them and it speaks louder. You want to me Rugby, ND? I'll guess 98 of the 100 senators have never heard of the town (and maybe even the 2 haven't either). Talk about Orlando. Better yet, show a picture of a crying Mickey Mouse for special effects.
Of course Senate speak would say North Dakota and Montana are just as important as Texas and Florida and if one of those people get in charge of Congress (like Byrd) "more important". Hopefully the House will have more say as to the amount of the Amtrak subsidy.