Viewliner II - Part 1 - Initial Production and Delivery

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Has anyone said definitively that this Diner will be restricted to use only on the Meteor? I guess a question that Thirdrail can shed some light on. I don't see any reason for it to be restricted. Of course the only other choice is the Crescent for now. :)
Has anyone said definitively that this Diner will be restricted to use only on the Meteor? I guess a question that Thirdrail can shed some light on. I don't see any reason for it to be restricted. Of course the only other choice is the Crescent for now. :)
I was thinking they might rotate it between trains like they're doing with 8400. There may be enough changes that the crews will need some training on.
That is my understanding, start to get more crews familiar with it.

And I believe Amtrak is expecting several more by the end of January. So my guess is we'll start to see them on more routes come February. (perhaps in time finally for my annual trip to Atlanta!)
Id have thought they would want to ensure they have enough diners to cover the existing services before they bring back diners on the LSL etc. last thing they would want is to promise the return of diner service on the LSL and then have to pull it again if more heritage diners get condemned before they can role enough out.
I just saw the Meteor pass through Orlando and could see people eating in the Annapolis diner. :)
98(5) - looks to be inaugural revenue service for Annapolis
I guess, somehow, I had been hoping it might have possibly been on a Star (-vation) instead. :unsure:
I'd expect to see all the cars in service before the Silver Star gets its diner back, if it even happens right away.
Judging by the financials, as long as there are two Florida trains, the Star will never get a diner back.
Judging solely by the financials, as generally reported, no train would have a dining car.

The diner is not intended to be - nor can it become - a profit center.
The diner is purely for the convenience and comfort of the passenger, at least in my point of view.
It looks like there is a diner-lite next to it, is it safe to assume that there wasn't a heritage diner tagging along (like they did with baggage cars for a while)?
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To make the situation even more confusing, if you asked me in person I'd actually call it the cafe car, since that's how it's marketed on the services I work! But on the longhauls aren't they called lounge cars?
To make the situation even more confusing, if you asked me in person I'd actually call it the cafe car, since that's how it's marketed on the services I work! But on the longhauls aren't they called lounge cars?
And most people on the dinerless trains call it the cafe, since it's the only means of foodservice. On the LD's they're marketed as "dining car" and "cafe/lounge car", though I'm not sure what most people use.
Just a heads up, New River (Viewliner I sleeper repainted for Gulf Coast Train) is on 48 currently heading towards New York. (Leaving Toledo in roughly 20 minutes)
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Well, they were built as lounge cars. The (since removed) smoking room and "diner-lite" rebuilds came much later.
Besides Indianapolis and Anapolis, what other viewliner diners can we expect to see in service by the end of the month?
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