OK, thanks for the information. That's 5 bags. Wanna be on the safe side? Call it 4 bags.
That is not many bags and the baggage department and conductors enroute don't have any way to weigh the baggage so it is not safe to use them.
This is simply, flatly, false. Every single station I've ever checked baggage at has a baggage weighing scale. There is also a consistent 50 lb limit. I have only seen a few bags go around the weighing machines (because they were weird oversized things like wheelchairs and skis) and they were marked with special tags.
Are there some stations without baggage scales? Perhaps. But it looks like there are entire routes where all the stations with baggage service DO have scales. Adding scales to a few rural stations is within Amtrak's budget.
It may require retraining of the baggage handlers to actually remind them to weigh all the bags. But if the 250 lb. limit is really the only issue, then it's not an issue with the shelves; the shelves are just fine. Although the baggage handlers and conductors may need retraining, and perhaps some stations may need added equipment.
The car is poorly designed. Not only the shelves. Apparently the designers of the interior had no experiance with trains.
The Viewliner interiors are mostly by the experts at RailPlan, who have more experience with trains than most of Amtrak. I don't know about the baggage car interiors specifically though. The rest of the car is designed by CAF, who have more experience with trains than anyone at Amtrak does. I think I can say without fear of contradiction that the *design* is good. If there are any serious problems, they're either *construction* problems (as opposed to design problems) or they're training/operational problems on Amtrak's end.