Viewliner II Part 2: Dining Car Production, Delivery, Speculation

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"Acquire" doesn't necessarily mean "hire". People will have to be trained on the new equipment. That seems to be standard. Go back and read some of the threads about bike racks in the baggage cars -- there seemed to be great concern about Amtrak employees being properly trained to use them. Despite the fact that passengers, down to kids, use them every day with no training at all.
There is no guarantee that the LSL is going to be next. Any number of things could happen, Star, Cardinal, nothing, Amtrak opens a Railroad diner someplace.
Though if they used 8400 in the mix they theoretically have enough diners to equip the 3 sets of LSL after receipt of the next bunch next week.
What makes you people think that Amtrak needs to hire and train people?
To go from the diner-lite to a full service diner, wouldn't they need more staff to run the diner? The Diner-lite uses one 'cook' (who just pre-packaged meals) stuff in microwaves, and frequently will only have one waiter. If that's not the case, could someone explain? Do they have a surplus of diner staff on hand that could be assigned to the LSL?
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The staff for the LSL already existed....
But is there currently staff available to run the LSL's diner. All I'm saying is that if Amtrak currently doesn't have staff to run a full service dining car on the LSL, then they would need to find some.
Amtrak needs to hire ? You bet

His thinking is correct just check Amtrak home page ; careers ' Type in food service specialist ; or OBS, or all.

Number of positions available to be hired may be more than one per listing. Lets see 2-1/2 to 3 months to qualify gets close to the ides of March ?
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"Acquire" doesn't necessarily mean "hire".
I know. He mentioned hiring. Let's review.

Or maybe need to hire more people in order to run the diner?
The staff for the LSL already existed....
Correct, and they weren't fired when the LSL lost it's diner. The training also isn't exotic - they're already running the diners on other routes.

The staff for the LSL already existed....
But is there currently staff available to run the LSL's diner. All I'm saying is that if Amtrak currently doesn't have staff to run a full service dining car on the LSL, then they would need to find some.
The people are there, OBS people aren't hired and captive to a particular route. When the cars are ready and Amtrak wants to use them, they'll open the jobs up for bid and people will fill them. Not rocket surgery.
"Acquire" doesn't necessarily mean "hire".
I know. He mentioned hiring. Let's review.

Or maybe need to hire more people in order to run the diner?
The staff for the LSL already existed....
Correct, and they weren't fired when the LSL lost it's diner. The training also isn't exotic - they're already running the diners on other routes.
The staff for the LSL already existed....
But is there currently staff available to run the LSL's diner. All I'm saying is that if Amtrak currently doesn't have staff to run a full service dining car on the LSL, then they would need to find some.
The people are there, OBS people aren't hired and captive to a particular route. When the cars are ready and Amtrak wants to use them, they'll open the jobs up for bid and people will fill them. Not rocket surgery.
OK. Thank you.
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I just read an article in Trains magazine today that claimed that CAF will not be shipping the Viewliner II sleepers and baggage dorms until at least 2019. If true, this is not good news. I believe that with the continued delays we may never see these cars shipped. We must now wait until 2019 for the next delay and to see if my thoughts are correct.
I just read an article in Trains magazine today that claimed that CAF will not be shipping the Viewliner II sleepers and baggage dorms until at least 2019. If true, this is not good news. I believe that with the continued delays we may never see these cars shipped. We must now wait until 2019 for the next delay and to see if my thoughts are correct.
I won’t believe that until it is independently confirmed.
Baggage car 61046 is currently assigned to the Amtrak Polar Express train at Chicago Union Station. It is coupled in the middle of the seven car train with six Horizon coaches that have their interiors decorated for the holiday train. The baggage car is functioning as the employee staging car for the Polar Express production. The six decorated Horizon coaches are 54512, 54514, 54554, 54505, 54578 and 54531. GE No. 33 was the assigned locomotive today.

Union Station is decorated for the holidays. The large tree is reflected on the polished marble floor!
Putting IMG tags on those makes them visible...

Baggage car 61046 is currently assigned to the Amtrak Polar Express train at Chicago Union Station. It is coupled in the middle of the seven car train with six Horizon coaches that have their interiors decorated for the holiday train. The baggage car is functioning as the employee staging car for the Polar Express production. The six decorated Horizon coaches are 54512, 54514, 54554, 54505, 54578 and 54531. GE No. 33 was the assigned locomotive today.



Union Station is decorated for the holidays. The large tree is reflected on the polished marble floor!

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I just read an article in Trains magazine today that claimed that CAF will not be shipping the Viewliner II sleepers and baggage dorms until at least 2019. If true, this is not good news. I believe that with the continued delays we may never see these cars shipped. We must now wait until 2019 for the next delay and to see if my thoughts are correct.
I won’t believe that until it is independently confirmed.
I'd believe it. If the last of the sleepers are completed and delivered by December 2020 it will be a miracle. Someone set a reminder for three years from today to revisit this post.
I just read an article in Trains magazine today that claimed that CAF will not be shipping the Viewliner II sleepers and baggage dorms until at least 2019. If true, this is not good news. I believe that with the continued delays we may never see these cars shipped. We must now wait until 2019 for the next delay and to see if my thoughts are correct.
Dennis, it means they will be delivered by the end of 2019. I can't see Amtrak going about a year without seeing anything out of CAF.
Well, Thirdrail already indicated 2019 for bag dorms and later for the sleepers.

... CAF will finish the last Viewliner diners. Then we can start to ask of the bag-dorms, "Are we there yet?" LOL.
Even if CAF consistently kick out two a month, we're still talking about it being July 2018 until the diners are all delivered.
Taking Thirdrail's July 2018 (at least) delivery for the last diners, I'd look for a pause before the bag-dorms start coming out the door. Maybe three months for the 'pause'? (Pure speculation.) That gets us to about this time next year, 2018, before we start to see any bag-dorms. Will they roll out two-a-month, like the diners now? With 10 bag dorms, that could mean another five months, until about May 2019. Will there be another 'pause' before the full sleepers leave Elmira? Then 25 sleepers, at a two-a-month rate, even if there's no pause that puts deliveries into mid-2020.

That delay might give an opportunity down the road for Amtrak execs to revisit their counts and possibly order more Viewliners while the production line is open. That would be if Amtrak is still open more or less, which Green Maned Line reminds us is a risk with the Trillion dollar tax giveaway now in Congress.
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That delay might give an opportunity down the road for Amtrak execs to revisit their counts and possibly order more Viewliners while the production line is open.
The production line is not quite open. The car bodies have all been built. Ever single one is done. Only the interior and mechanical systems are been worked on. Which is a big part of the equipment, but the container is also a big part of the process. The car bodies were a major source of delay due to lack of qualified welders.

So can CAF build more? Sure but its not going to be easy.
I suspect that if Amtrak tried to excersize those options, CAF would fight them tooth and nail, and possible declare bankruptcy of its American arm.
The production line is not quite open. The car bodies have all been built. Ever single one is done. Only the interior and mechanical systems are being worked on. Which is a big part of the equipment, but the container is also a big part of the process. The car bodies were a major source of delay due to lack of qualified welders.
So can CAF build more? Sure but its not going to be easy.
You're right, of course. The entire supplier network could need refreshing.

I was thinking about the human part of the production. We don't officially know what were the problems, but the informed speculation centers on a workforce that had to be taught the basic skills to do the job. God forbid to let the workforce dissipate if there's any real possibility of building more new Viewliners.

And maybe Amtrak doesn't need and couldn't use any more V-2s of whatever type. If there are no restored trains, no more frequencies on existing routes, no growth at all in Long Distance, then not to bother.

What is the expectation on utilization of the V-2 sleepers? One more sleeper on every Eastern single-level train -- Meteor, Star, Crescent, Cardinal, and Lake Shore. Maybe one or two on the night train BOS-Newport News? A couple more if the Crescent splits to Dallas? Any chance of adding still another sleeper to any of the trains getting one more under the plan? I think it's said the Lake Shore is already long and couldn't easily fit another sleeper. But could the others grow?

Meanwhile I'm still thinking that Amtrak may come up short of funds for fleet replacement. Congress could say, "Bi-level or single-level, pick one, and we'll get around to the other one in the sweet bye-and-bye." In that case, Amtrak could try to switch the Capitol Ltd and maybe the City of New Orleans to single-level equipment, and rotate their Superliners out West. Wouldn't they require another 25 or so V-2 sleepers?

And that's not counting any serious expansion, like Philly Fan's "Broadway Ltd" NYC-Philly-PGH-CLE (daylight)-CHI. Right now, no expansion would get by the haters in Congress. But the current political line-up seems increasingly volatile. One can imagine an electoral explosion that could change the majorities on every issue in D.C., including growing or shrinking Amtrak. In the aftermath of such an explosion, routes like a "Broadway Ltd" could find new champions in Congress the way Sen Byrd protected the Cardinal back in the day.
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I miss the Night Owl. We used to take it from Boston to D.C. spend the day and go back that night. Roomette was cheaper than a hotel stay.
I suspect that if Amtrak tried to exercise those options, CAF would fight them tooth and nail, and possible declare bankruptcy of its American arm.
Yeah, the options would not work. But if Amtrak and CAF aren't hating each other, start anew with a separate order with new prices for the extra cars. A deal could be a face-saver for CAF, so long as their losses did not continue.
Way back at post 17 of this thread, I posted a quote from Amtrak Ink by Wick Moorman

Do you know when the new single level long-distance cars
will be entered into service?

This obviously has been a real problem for us in that the cars we
ordered from CAF have been late in delivery and are getting later. We
do have all of the new baggage cars on line now and we’re waiting for
the new diners, the first of which is due out later this year. [NOTE:
Amtrak conditionally accepted CAF’s first delivered car on Nov. 7.
The remaining cars are scheduled to be delivered between August
2017 and September 2018.]
There was some discussion on how this must mean all the remaining cars. We were so optimistic back then...
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