Some thoughts on expansion to Bristol.
1. it is ~ 151 rail miles from Roanoke - Bristol Best N&W rail time ~ 4:00 with 7 stops mostly flag stops,
Air miles ~ 132: car miles 148 due to interstate double back at ROA. Measuring points different so will go by rail miles.
2. Due to many sidings now removed would expect Amtrak times would be at least 4:30. Probably 4:45 even not having to handle mail that the N&W trains did.
3. The final Amtrak RR time needs to be just under 2:00
4. VA DOT each year could install an average of 12 miles of 110 - 125 MPH grade separated replacement trackage connecting to the present slow track average of 37.5 MPH.
4. Each 12 mile section would save ~13 minutes with one stop. That is not counting a mile or so straightening off the present N&W tracks.
5. 5 sections would save ~1:00+
6. So, in 13 years after completion of construction with 4 - 7 stops the enroute time would be somewhat less than 1:35.
7. Each section should be graded and bridged for 2 main tracks similar to how Brightline did from Cocoa to Orlando.
8. These sections should start construction at the 1/3, 2/3 points or the 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 points locations of the route to allow passenger trains to pass or get by slower freights.
Have no idea how long it now takes NS IM trains but if they could travel this improvement. suspect reduction of ~~ 5:30 to 2:30.
Did not consider the Radford - Roanoke sections to be among first to receive this work as it is somewhat faster and could wait till the last few years.