West Coast delay (12/7) question

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Service Attendant
Oct 8, 2016
Just curious why the CS and EB are so late today. I noticed some commuter lines were behind as well. I was guessing weather.
11(06) was delayed SEA-TAC due to trackwork near Kent. Later delayed at SAC due to reports of 3 broken rails.

14(06) was delayed due to locomotive failure. Added UPRR loco which had air problems. Had to wait for a re-crew.
How about EB 7(5) and 27? Looks like they were annulled somewhere around Sand Point/Libby. That's a mighty long bus ride to Portland or Seattle. And it doesn't look like today's 8 or 28 ever got going.
7 turns same day for 8, and 27 turns same day for 28, so they will start at spk
Thanks for the response. We had a rare snow day (a few flurries) so I had weather on the mind. But mechanical issues and track issues make sense and have satisfied my curiosity.
There was a problem with a freight train that made Amtrak late enough to be annulled at spk, and that isn't something that has a massive knock on effect on Amtrak.
Glad to hear #7 made it to SPK. It disappeared from the radar I think between Libby and Sandpoint. Any idea what time it got into SPK?
Glad to hear #7 made it to SPK. It disappeared from the radar I think between Libby and Sandpoint. Any idea what time it got into SPK?
6:41am, 5 hours late. The freight was disabled due to a broken coupler.
So sleeper pax got the opportunity for a good nights sleep. Be nice if everyone had a chance at breakfast before the &^% busses.
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