That ZebR guy sounds pretty cool.I wanted to be cool with SarahZ and ZebR, so I added the "S".
You were quoted, Zyan.I have no idea what you are talking about, Jeb.
Of course if Sarah decided to return to her original handle, Sorcha, then you won't have as much company as you currently do. :lol: Rumor has it that she changed her name only for the Gathering.I wanted to be cool with SarahZ, PennyK, and JebR, so I added the "S".
Nope. I'm keeping it.Of course if Sarah decided to return to her original handle, Sorcha, then you won't have as much company as you currently do. :lol: Rumor has it that she changed her name only for the Gathering.I wanted to be cool with SarahZ, PennyK, and JebR, so I added the "S".
I completely forgot you on the list!Of course if Sarah decided to return to her original handle, Sorcha, then you won't have as much company as you currently do. :lol: Rumor has it that she changed her name only for the Gathering.I wanted to be cool with SarahZ, PennyK, and JebR, so I added the "S".
Well you can only change it every 180 days on your own. A friendly note to your favorite Admin or Forum Manager can get it changed any time.I was also reminded that we only get a name change once every 180 days, so by the time I'm eligible for another, this will be the new norm.
Can I get my name changed to my real name just like Sarah, my request is for AlanB!!!!