What does your Forum User Name mean?

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Honored Member
Mar 13, 2004
Central Kentucky
I mentioned in another thread we should have a thread with this title. I have already been PM'd asking me to start it. So, I'll go first.

MrFSS is short for Mr Financial Settlement Services. That is a subsidiary company of the big company I retired from a few years ago. We only had a few employees in our little group, and to many of my customers I was know as = MrFSS. It stuck and I keep using it today. Haven't worked there in a few years, but I still hear from folks now and then.

So, if you have a story as to why you have the user name you use and want to share it, this is the place!

I mentioned in another thread we should have a thread with this title. I have already been PM'd asking me to start it. So, I'll go first.

MrFSS is short for Mr Financial Settlement Services. That is a subsidiary company of the big company I retired from a few years ago. We only had a few employees in our little group, and to many of my customers I was know as = MrFSS. It stuck and I keep using it today. Haven't worked there in a few years, but I still hear from folks now and then.

So, if you have a story as to why you have the user name you use and want to share it, this is the place!

como = Columbia, Missouri. No story just where I live
Railrookie....says it all. I'm new to rail travel but have learned so much. I have went back to some of the posts that I put on a 1 1/2 years ago and sheesh.......shucks...how embarrassing! :huh: I have learned so much in 1 1/2 years from the forum, reading books on trains and primarily Amtrak (all learned from this forum) hanging out and talking to Amtrak employees of the CZ in LNK and talking to the ticket agent in LNK. One of the cooler moments is talking back and forth with a forum member and finding out he was the guitarist in a punk band I followed in the 1980's. I about died when he said, "have you ever heard of....." that was cool in itself!


GG-1 is my favorite, the best motor, used on the NEC from 1937 - 1983 by the Standard Railroad of the World, the Pennsylvania Rail Road.

My name has stuck with me since high school:

Squeakz= I squeak when I laugh. People have called me 'squeaky' for a long time!

2001= the year I graduated high school.
Everydaymatters-the name got its start several years ago when I was a research patient at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. I saw little bald-headed kids wheeling their IV tubes around. I spoke to adults who were there because they had a rare form of cancer that had doctors baffled. I met people who knew their lung disease was terminal, but hoped that some new research project would produce a new medicine to make it easier to live with.

Every day was crucial. Every day mattered. Thus, the name Everydaymatters.

By the Way - The research project I was in resulted in them finding the common protein for the type of pulmonary fibrosis I have. That opens doors for more research - possibly even a cure :) That made every painful test I went through worth every second of it. My buttons were bustin' to have been part of a research project that had such great results. :D

GG-1 is my favorite, the best motor, used on the NEC from 1937 - 1983 by the Standard Railroad of the World, the Pennsylvania Rail Road.

Well, clearly no secret to my name---it is just my name. But I wanted GG-1 to know that I am one of the people on here who fully appreciates the handsome electric locos he is named for. And there are a few others on here with historic names I pick up on.. Like City of Miami, Southern Serves the South, etc. I am no doubt leaving some out..
Everydaymatters-the name got its start several years ago when I was a research patient at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. I saw little bald-headed kids wheeling their IV tubes around. I spoke to adults who were there because they had a rare form of cancer that had doctors baffled. I met people who knew their lung disease was terminal, but hoped that some new research project would produce a new medicine to make it easier to live with.
Every day was crucial. Every day mattered. Thus, the name Everydaymatters.

By the Way - The research project I was in resulted in them finding the common protein for the type of pulmonary fibrosis I have. That opens doors for more research - possibly even a cure :) That made every painful test I went through worth every second of it. My buttons were bustin' to have been part of a research project that had such great results. :D

Great story. Thanks!!!
AKA --not also known as.--Any Navy people out there? It was a ship designation. Lets see if anyone can come up with the answer. My first user name was APA. Got lost in a misfire in the forum some how. Same deal, a ship designation.My member number would be lower if I had not lost the APA. I thought some one might pick up on the letters and make the connection. I guess my shipmates are not train people. :( or none of you guys where my shipmates. You will have to go back a few years to find the APA AKA desingnation. If anyone does find the answer, be kind about my age. :D :D :D Hint Viet Nam :(
I mentioned in another thread we should have a thread with this title. I have already been PM'd asking me to start it. So, I'll go first.
MrFSS is short for Mr Financial Settlement Services. That is a subsidiary company of the big company I retired from a few years ago. We only had a few employees in our little group, and to many of my customers I was know as = MrFSS. It stuck and I keep using it today. Haven't worked there in a few years, but I still hear from folks now and then.

So, if you have a story as to why you have the user name you use and want to share it, this is the place!

Well Tom I would have thought you were a former railroader. We used to call the brakemen that laid off on week-ends "Mr. Friday, Saturday and Sunday." We couldn't get our name on Juno so we just put an 8 in the middle.

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Well Tom I would have thought you were a former railroader. We used to call the brakemen that laid off on week-ends "Mr. Friday, Saturday and Sunday." We couldn't get our name on Juno so we just put an 8 in the middle.
I wish sometimes I was a former railroader :)
Are there 8 little Hadleys running around???
Hate to admit it, but I always HOPED someone would initiate a topic like this.

My name was actually chosen prematurely. I live a short distance from what was once the "other" PRR Main Line (the old Northern Central) in the Northeast, running between Baltimore and Harrisburg. I first became intrigued by this line as a child in the late 70's, when it was just a disconnected freight line, and finally rode it in 1992 when our Light Rail line opened along it.

In its heyday, the line hosted trains from Washington/Baltimore to St. Louis, Chicago, and Buffalo. History Buff that I am, when I joined the forum, I wanted to choose my name to match the cream of the crop passenger train that plyed this line I was so fascinated by. Looking through an old timetable, I thought I had found it, and promptly chose "The Metropolitan" as the name had that stylish 40's feel of a premier train.

Later I would learn that the Washington train "Metropolitan" was little more than a connecting train to the "real Metropolitan" that operated through to New York.

Had I really done my homework right, I would have chosen "LIBERTY LIMITED" as this was the stylish train that I could board at Penn Station Baltimore, head up my beloved Northern Central into Harrisburg, and continue West towards Chicago without ever changing trains.

I did look to try to change the label, but couldn't figure out how. Ah, well, "The Metropolitan" is still cool.

So there is the whole story of my name, probably far more than anyone cared to know! ;)

I'll also admit I was always curious why the "8" was in the middle of "had8ley." I'd have never thought the reason to be so simple! LOL!
I did look to try to change the label, but couldn't figure out how. Ah, well, "The Metropolitan" is still cool.
You can't change it, but I can. :) So drop me a PM if you're interested and let me know what you want to change, since you have both a login name and a display name. I can change one or both of them, from their current value of "The Metropolitan" to whatever you like.
Spot=the white spot I've had in my hair since I was 18 ( Mrs. Spot calls it a skunkstreak now, which makes her Mrs. Skunk?

1181= the mail route I carry in Cincinnati. spot1181.
Tourlink was the name of my bus and tour company. We provided charter and group tour services and also specialized in group tours.
Trainboy started out as a joke when I began my involvement with the Lake Wales Model Railroad Club in Lake Wales, Florida, my hometown. When the City of Lake Wales was creating its email system and the railroad club was going to get an account for responding to visitors and potential members. I was at the time the club's vice president as well as a part time employee of the City which allowed me access to the intranet system to monitor the email account. It was suggested by club members and my dad to be the "Trainboy" since the club was made up mostly of retired men and I was the only teenager in the group. So it stuck, becoming my identity for the railroad club's government account administrator and used it as my username when I got my AOL account during high school. It has remained my email name since. The 325 represents the Depot Museum's address in town: 325 S. Scenic Highway, Lake Wales, FL 33853.

I'm proud to have been part of building this wonderful place. The museum is in the former Atlantic Coast Line station in Lake Wales built in 1928 as part of ACL's plan to compete against the FEC for an inland route to Miami that spun off it's mainline in Haines City running down to Everglades City/Clewiston. The museum focuses on Lake Wales' history as a whole, but railroading is by far the most popular and visible theme of the complex. The museum has three rolling stock pieces on display: a Seaboard caboose salvaged from Wildwood, FL, a Pullman Business Car owned by the Central of Georgia during its working life and a Whitcomb yard switcher that used to owned by the Army Corps of Engineers that was used in Italy for post-war reconstruction and later used by a phosphate mining company in Mulberry, FL. The railroad club has it's home in the former Seaboard freight station that was relocated from it's original site in town next door to the ACL station building. It has a large HO scale layout depicting the eastern seaboard with Central Florida a major subject on the largest section. In addition, N, G and O scale layouts are on display.

The last part is a little off topic, but was worth mentioning since it's so much of a part of who I am today as a railfan, former railroad employee and historic preservation advocate as an employee of the National Park Service.

In railroading!!!

trainboy325 :) :D :rolleyes:
The source of my name is pretty typical for most internet forums- it comes from a movie. In this case, one of my favorites, "The Princess Bride". I just like it because it sounds like it might be my real name, but it's not.
Neat bunch of stories. Mine is obvious, home station is WPK, Winter Park, Florida.

Tom, I (being a pilot) thought you maybe had some connection with a Flight Service Station. Oh, well..

Trainboy, I wonder if y'all had anything to do with the huge model train setup at Cypress Gardens years ago? That was probably 15 years ago if not more. We've been through Lake Wales lots of times, including last week on the way back from Naples. Landed a C-172 there once to wait for a squall line of thunderstorms to pass by.

And Mrs. Spot is raising a stink about hair color, huh? :lol:

Let's see.... AKA: I once played the Thanksgiving Day church service aboard AGF-3 USS LaSalle at Manama, Bahrain. That would have been.... 1973? Now, as to the ships, AKA.. hmmmmmm. Attack Cargo Ship? Most of the AKA's I find references to were all converted to Charleston class LKAs, Amphibious Cargo Ships. It appears that AKAs 113 CHARLESTON, 114 DURHAM, 115 MOBILE, and 116 ST. LOUIS were all converted to LKAs (the hull numbers stayed the same). AKA 47, Turandot, later became ARC 3 (undersea cable repair ship), AEOLUS. AEOLUS was sunk 22 miles off Beaufort inlet, NC as an artificial reef. I think that CHARLESTON and MOBILE are in inactive storage in Philadelphia, DURHAM and ST. LOUIS are in inactive storage in Pearl Harbor. And one more, USS VANADIS, AKA 49, was later converted to USS THOR, ARC 4 (another undersea cable repair ship) Decommissioned, then part of Military Sealift Command, currently stored at National Defense Reserve Fleet at Suisun Bay, Calif.

How's that?

And, Every Day Matters.

Amen, and God Bless.
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Very unglamorous. It is the user ID I was given at work before I retired. For simplicity, I kept it. Now that I'm retired (7 years now), I don't do complicated.
Well, I coined my screen name to apply to my job. After all I was employed as an "on board service" employee when I found this site not too long after I hired out. Hence the name "Amtrak OBS Employee." But in June 2006, I was furloughed from my position at Amtrak. And now that I have taken a job as a freight train conductor with CSX Transportation, my name doesn't quite fit me now. I have been recently signing my posting with "Amtrak OBS Employee gone freight." I presume I will figure on changing it to reflect my job eventually.

Alan, Anthony, is it possible to simply change the screen name, or reregister with a new one? Might just keep the old one, but it is worth a shot to explore options.

Formerly OBS........
Alan, Anthony, is it possible to simply change the screen name, or reregister with a new one? Might just keep the old one, but it is worth a shot to explore options.
As I noted back on page one in my reply to The Metropolitan, you cannot make any changes, but I can. If you decide that you do want to change things, just drop me a PM or an email and let me know what you want to change. Remember that there is a display name, which is what shows up with your posts, and then there is a login name that you use to log into the board. They don't need to match, so you can just change the display name, while leaving your login name the same. That means you don't have to teach your computer a new name and password to remember.

And I would recommend changing your name, and not rejoining, as doing that means that you loose control over your old posts. Changing your name means that you are still associated with your many helpful posts. :)

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