What is going on with Auto Train Pricing

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I am not a Green fanatic but choose to look at matters in a practical sense. We have not yet seen the full after effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. People are consuming fish from those waters. No one has died so far. They are just experiencing a "pleasant" and slow euthanasia so that the nuclear power industry can say "see no one was hurt". Nuclear power is all about PROFIT and could care less about humanity. The Capitalist Corporate world, that once provided opportunity for the middle class and on which this country was founded is no longer there. Todays business owns and controls America and the game is now only about profit .

As for the Autotrain prices, if we like them we buy and if not we walk.
I am not a Green fanatic but choose to look at matters in a practical sense. We have not yet seen the full after effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. People are consuming fish from those waters. No one has died so far. They are just experiencing a "pleasant" and slow euthanasia so that the nuclear power industry can say "see no one was hurt". Nuclear power is all about PROFIT and could care less about humanity. The Capitalist Corporate world, that once provided opportunity for the middle class and on which this country was founded is no longer there. Todays business owns and controls America and the game is now only about profit .

As for the Autotrain prices, if we like them we buy and if not we walk.
People eating fish from downstream coal plants. People eating cows from recycled garbage.

Point is - nuc waste less hazardous than most other stuff.

I will ride the EB, and not worry, and Hanford doesn't glow in the dark, much.

I will ride the SWC, and not worry Alamagordo.

I will ride the NEC, whatever carcinogens are under those beautiful blossoming shorelines.

I might quit smoking - bigger bigger risk.

I never drive drunk - bigger bigger risk.

I might fight obesity -- bigger bigger risk.

All this fearful radiation risk is tiny tiny tiny, compared to crossing the street. And no, I won't quit crossing the street.

And the panic-mongers who fear the sun -- a lot more radioactive than nuclear waste., or the earth - likewise.

As for Florida, not relatively radioactive, compared to the Rockies, but got no reason to go there

The Chernobyl Forum, which is a group of a whole heck of a lot of UN agencies including WHO, reports 28 deaths from acute radiation syndrome, and estimates up to 4,000 excess cancer mortalities over the lifetimes of all others exposed. This is an increase of only a few percent over the expected cancer mortalities.

Fukushima would have lower cancer mortalities and given the scale, I suspect fewer mortalities that way than from the evacuation of institutionalized elderly.

For comparison purposes, estimates of American coal power pollution put its mortalities at 20,000 per year.

The AP1000, a modern Generation III+ reactor design being built in the US and China, is able to safely shut down via passive cooling "without operator action and without the use of active AC power sources."

Also, microwave ovens do not use ionizing radiation and it cannot degrade your DNA via such means (the whole "raising your body temperature significantly" may do so on its own, but that's no different from standing in a wood fired oven).

The Chernobyl Forum, which is a group of a whole heck of a lot of UN agencies including WHO, reports 28 deaths from acute radiation syndrome, and estimates up to 4,000 excess cancer mortalities over the lifetimes of all others exposed. This is an increase of only a few percent over the expected cancer mortalities.

Fukushima would have lower cancer mortalities and given the scale, I suspect fewer mortalities that way than from the evacuation of institutionalized elderly.

For comparison purposes, estimates of American coal power pollution put its mortalities at 20,000 per year.

The AP1000, a modern Generation III+ reactor design being built in the US and China, is able to safely shut down via passive cooling "without operator action and without the use of active AC power sources."

Also, microwave ovens do not use ionizing radiation and it cannot degrade your DNA via such means (the whole "raising your body temperature significantly" may do so on its own, but that's no different from standing in a wood fired oven).
Like tho photo -- may use it other places ?
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I don't walk through the world terrified of all of it either. There is a middle point between being paranoid and burying your head up your - er - in the sand.
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