I have gone the route of storing a 2 month supply of Wise Food (I am not endorsing them over any of the other food storage suppliers) and am looking at doubling that in the coming days. They advertise a 25 year shelf life. Food Storage is one of the most basic common sense things a person can do today and even though my friends think I am goofy we will see who is goofy when there is an EMP or other major disaster and they are out scrapping for survival and I'm still up and running.Interesting. Thanks. Might be good to buy a case and keep the extra for home power outages, snow storms, etc.
As for being on the train, 3 slops a day from the Diner with minimal exercise in between puts more than enough food in the belly, but I always throw in a few Granola Bars and other small treats for grazing (and often end up bringing at least half of them back home).