Sorry, but IMHO one has to face the fact that Amtrak has a difficult enough time keeping what it already has, in good working order. There is no one who could convince me, that Amtrak can successfully keep something like a WiFi networking going. If Amtrak tried, it would be a lot of time and money spent, and in the end, it will end up just like the in-room video system.
The credit card authorization terminals are the best example because they don't transmit large amounts of continuous data, and don't expect/require high upload/download speeds.
I haven't heard the results, but according to reports elsewhere on the net, Amtrak was testing Wi-Fi on Acela last year. So they are working on it.A credit card machine is designed to operate within the 56kbbs limits that max out dial up. Take a look at how much bandwidth you need to do your daily routine. Currently I am DLing a couple podcasts, which take up 800kbbs. Now I would never actually use an Amtrak WiFi to DL large files-- but, stupid people will. They'll knock everybody off the net and have to have somebody reset the router-- at the very least.
Plus, if thing get slow-- can you imagine the complaints? "My YouTube video won't DL fast enough" or "My page is taking too long to load"
While operator-free wireless is in our future (technology will one day allow them to have it) and I have no doubt that light lines (Like Sounder) have a very good working WiFi system-- to have the entire Amtrak system would just be nonsense. At this point.
At the very most I think we can expect it a good investment on the Acela trainsets, and maybe BC on the NEC.
And with regard to speed issues and such, anyone trying to download streaming video or files was automatically disconnected. It was not permitted and that was a condition of use. No idea if they'll keep such a condition, but it wouldn't surprise me. They don't have to be the end all internet service, they only need to provide enough connectivity to allow for email and general web surfing. And of course connectivity for making new Amtrak reservations. :lol: